
Am I Clairvoyant?

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I can picture things in my mind, litterally "Picture". Usually its people I've never seen before, or single school pitures of randome kids, either old pictures or new, if someone just said anytime, anyday to me to picture something I have never seen before, i can. I can also picture anything, like someone bald, naked, whatever... i can see it.

Another thing that probably doesnt matter but I always see the clock at 11:11... Someone help me out here?




  1. can you picture me? what do i look like?

  2. well possibly you are a clairvoyant. Clairvoyants deal with here and now matters not past and future. I have to ask you said you always see 11:11 when you see that does anything happen at that exact time morning or night because maybe it can be precognition not clairvoyance if you are clairvoyant here is a technique that I invented and was suprised when I saw someone tell it here well clairvoyants deal with here and now so this must be easy for you if you are clairvoyant anyway you need a friend for this technique make him/her  show a number with his/her fingers behind their back (1 to 10) then close your eyes and concentrate on his/her hand try to see the fingers behind his/her back and tell it when you are sure of the number write all your results down on a paper do 10 tries and if about 7-8 atempts are correct you maybe are a clairvoyant if you are not like 2-3 atempts are right then it is a hard chance for you to be clairvoyant. If you are not then maybe it is precognition I will give you that abilities technique after this one (ofcourse if you fail) I hope you have clairvoyance because sometimes the future can be very hard to handle

  3. No you're not! Your brain registers faces of kids, women, men,  you see on the sidewalk, on tv, all over the place. All is captured in your mind. All what you see is filed in your mind from ever since you open your eyes as a baby, you forgot for a long time but it comes as you pull some pictures! Your 11.11 has been seen met once with your eyes and you had it psychologically registered. Just like the alarm clock in the morning, you don't even need it to wake you up, but you do at the exact right time!

    And everybody has that stuff.

    Take care.

  4. I don't think so...just a very good visualizer...

    for being clairvoyant you need to perceive things which are actually happening or going to happen...

  5. Satan is able to give people the ability to have the gifts you have. Sometimes a person's ancestors were involved in the occult (such as parents, grandparents etc) and as a result that ability to picture things is passed on to them. Probably you can find out if any member of your family was involved in the occult if so you would need to go to a pastor asking him to pray with you and renouncing verbally your family's involvement in the occult and asking God to remove any demonic knowledge that is inside you. I can't begin to stress how dangerous the occult is. Take care!!!

  6. Here you can find some online tests for answering the question by yourself -

  7. What you are describing is the ability to visualize. I have included a definition of Clairvoyance for you below.


    Paranormal acquisition of information concerning an object or contemporary physical event; in contrast to telepathy, the information is assumed to derive directly from an external physical source (such as a concealed photograph), and not from the mind of another person; one particular form of extrasensory perception, it is not to be confused with the vulgar interpretation of “clairvoyance” as meaning “knowledge of the future” (for which see Precognition).

    (link below)


  8. All of us can imagine the image of something or someone there's nothing special about it, but maybe if you are extra good at visualising things you would have some talent as an artist.

  9. If you mean that you can picture how many fingers I am holding up behind my back then I would say yes you are clairvoyant.

    If you mean can you picture George Bush naked then I would say your just sick.

    However, I see the number 3:14 alot.  Everyone tells me that I basically think myself into seeing this number.  So what I did was picked a random number and wrote down how many times a day I saw that number.  You'd be surprised how many different numbers you see a day.  Don't think to much into the 11:11 thing.  If its something metaphysical then you can't change it anyways.  Just let it happen.

  10. Just don't go around looking fREaKy at people please

    11.11? Maybe you are focused on a midnight snack or lunch at the magic 12 hour

    Wait...I'm picturing an obese goth female with parchment white skin puliing into Jack-in-the Box at midnight and ordering a dozen tacos for herself

    (shakes head) "Please more visuals!!!".

  11. To be using an ability-it has to have confirmation of some sort. Are the pictures you seeing coming true? Do you meet them? If not, then it is just your imagination.

  12. No.

    (OK, it's brief, but it's also correct)


  13. possibly,

    that or you have a very active imagination.

    and with the 11:11 thing, its probably just become a habit and your mind automatically does it,

    yah know like automatically waking up at 6 am to get to school or something

    but you might be

    do some test or something im sure they have online stuff like that to check

    search google
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