
Am I Conceited? Is it necessary to be so?

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So lately, I've started to believe that I'm conceited. And I don't mean believing that I'm conceited as in the moment of clarity sort of way wherein we're all conceited and the realization of that is what inspires the truest of all humilities. I mean in the really conceited way, ya know? Well, either way, let me explain myself.

Firstly, in my efforts to stay humble, I have attempted to either assume myself to be equal or lesser than other human beings only to have my efforts slain by most everyone. For example, I would assume that I'm not the most tolerant person in the world… so, as it is, I attempt to treat others as if they're just as- if not more so- tolerant than I am. In doing so, however, I've offended many individuals in so many instances, on so many levels, and in so many incomprehensible ways. I've been yelled at, scorned, and mistreated because of things I've done that exceeded the threshold of certain individuals' level of tolerance. I would've and could've easily tolerated those things and much more, but they could not. So now I'm now forced to believe that I'm more tolerant than 99 percent of people? That's probably wrong… but more and more I'm beginning to think that sort of thing is true.

Now while being more tolerant doesn't make me better than anyone, there are in fact many other aspects and situations in life in which I've outrivaled most people. These things don't necessarily reflect one person being better or worse than another, but one is forced to at least humor the notion once these things continue to add up.

Another example, you say?

Well… I have the capacity to have fun without alcohol. And I don't mean "haha fun"… I mean such a drunken, hysteria-level-of-fun that mirrors or exceeds true drunkenness to the point where people rarely allow me to drive them home. I don't take any drugs of any kind either. The way I act is just my normal level of behavior, which usually brings with it much contempt. When people are drunk, all is usually well… until, of course, they realize I'm not drunk and think me crazy. But when people are sober, they find me- once again- so intolerable. Now while this just bugs me, my conceit comes when all of these people spend thousands of dollars buying alcohol just to be like me. Now I'm forced to assume that their previous resentment is simply some latent form of jealousy due to the money they're willing to spend and the alcohol they're willing to consume and then regurgitate just for a night of "Jon-like fun".

I don't want to be cocky, and I'm not proud of it. I've just come to the realization that maybe I'm actually better than most people out there. And believe me… this is NOT a good thing. I don't want to live in a world where even this blog could be looked upon in a negative light by one of you about to give a comment. Am I just supposed to assume that I'm more understanding than most of you out there, whereas I would take the words within this blog as they're meant to be?- well intended by a well-intentioned person. I comprehend most types of humor out there and I would probably see the humorous side of this blog whereas there are some out there who might be offended in some way by my words. Should I take these people into consideration before posting such a blog. Should I assume I'm more understanding than they are? Should I assume their eyes are capable of seeing the various sides of any given situation like my eyes do?

Furthermore, should I assume that I'm more laid back and relaxed than my neighbor who hates me having my music too loud? I wouldn't mind his music…

Should I assume I'm more benevolent than most and not ask someone to do me a favor I would've easily done for them? Should I not be surprised when they look at me with disgust for even suggesting such a HUGE request?

Should I assume that I'm better at coping with hard times than 99 percent of my friends who despise when I have a smiling, get-over-it attitude during their hard times just because that's how I would handle mine? Am I stronger than they are? Should I just believe I am to ensure I don't offend anyone? Should I believe and act as though I'm superior than others to ensure I offend far less people?

My last example for the day is a Biblical one… so I can show you that even God agrees with me. [Although I'm not really sure I've said anything to be agreed or disagreed with yet? But nevertheless, I'm sure God would have my back if I have…]

The Bible states that you should treat others as you would have them treat you. I would love it if a stranger gave me a hug in the middle of the street, but strangers find it strange when I hug them out of nowhere. I wouldn't mind if someone randomly sifted though my wallet either, but folks get scared, untrusting, mad, or in "police-calling mode" when I do such a thing [what are they hiding?]. And I adore people who tell me honestly what they're thinking, but fat people get angry when I call th




  1. sorry, but my answer is a question, your birthday must be in november...

  2. Most people out there would like to believe they are better then everyone else, but the cold truth is, is no one is ever as great as they think they are. You are your number one fan. And just to let you know, you ramble too much.

    Have a good day!

  3. Yes, No.

  4. Ok, so don't take offense, but I can tell that you are a bit conceited by the way that you phrased this inquiry. 1) Your diction is a bit haughty 2) you are locquatious! I am also pretty long-winded....but I think when we talk/write too much and actually expect others to listen, then we are try to take up their mental space with our own opinions....a disproportionate amount of attention is given to us. It also shows that we're usually too in love with hearing ourselves speak to listen to someone else. Seriously, I'm not trying to knock your ego, but this is totally the vibe I got from your writing.

    I think that it's ok to be confident in yourself. You have to have a healthy dose of self-esteem and you should be proud of your accomplishments. Just remember that pride is the worst of the deadly sins. Why? Because it can lead to us thinking that we're too good to be humble and meek towards God. You think that you're smart? God is smarter. You think that you're tolerant? God is more tolerant. (By the way, it seems as though you are intolerant of intolerant people and people who you do not perceive as being as competent, or moral, or sober as you.) It also leads to elitism....and you do not have the right to dictate someone else's life just because you are "faster, better, smarter, stronger" than they are.

    If I were you, I would make a list of areas in which you could improve yourself....and no one is perfect so this should be pretty easy. Search real deep. Then close your mouth and open your eyes and ears. Look around. I bet that some of those people who you think are not as "good" as you in some areas of life, relating, etc. are actually a lot better than you in some other areas. Befriend these people and let yourself learn from them. Also, learn to appreciate other people's differences. Sometimes qualities are not "better" or "worse" ones to possess....just different strokes for different folks.

    Best wishes on your self-improvement!

  5. are you ok?  

  6. Yes, yes.

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