
Am I Definitely Pregnant?

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Situation: Period is already a week late... I have done 3 e*p*t* All "+" My Gosh! It could only mean that I am definitely PREGNANT... I will see a doctor just to quatriple check lol...but has anybody experienced these before... I mean I don't have any symptoms at all... but a lil bit of pain and headaches and as if I wanted to vomit but I really don't...What do you think?




  1. Sorry to say but you probably are pregnant. But still go to the doctor to make sure.. like you are already

  2. Sounds like you're pregnant, but it's still good to go to the doctors and double check. Some people just get lucky and don't have heavy syptoms.


  3. so yea you are most likely prego. the thing is that pregnancy test are almost never false positive. so congrats and best of luck!!! make sure you get a dr. appt as soon as you can to find out the do's and dont's!!!

    and congrats one more time!!!

  4. You are pregnant.  I have 4 children and with my first I was 22 weeks before I knew because I didn't have any symptoms.  I have been lucky and have had very few symptoms with all 5 of my pregnancies (I had one miscarriage.)  Congratulations!

  5. Wow, sure sounds like ur pregnant.

    good luck!


  7. hunny

    your definitely pregnant:]


    any questions e-mail me;

    but 3 tests that have been positive

    yes your pregnant:]

    congrats!!!!   :]

  8. Yes, I think you are definitely pregnant. Congratulations :)

  9. You were definately pregnant after the first +...


  10. ye i would say you are! its all sounds like my symptoms the feeling of being sick but not actually wanting to be physically and period pain like aches??

  11. You can't get a false positive on a pregnancy test.  It is detecting the pregnancy hormone.

  12. Congrats mommy! You won't be getting any symptoms yet.Maybe in a couple of weeks you'll start experiencing them.Good luck with your pregnancy!

  13. I was trying to get pregnant and had no idea I was pregnant.  My only symptoms were so similar to period symptoms that I assumed I was getting my period.  I thought I was pregnant several times that I was not, so I'm obviously not very in tune with my body.  LOL

  14. yes it actually has happened to my best friend...but the thing was that she has never had s* she wasnt as worried as you are...but i would recommend for you to go to the doctor...and get a test done so you can be 100% sure if ur pregnant or you wont have to be thinkin bout it as much...i heard that if you stress out to much it causes ur period to be late so its probably just that ur to stressed out..try calmin down and hopefully ull get ur period...good luck

  15. Yep, you're definitely preggo....Congratulations!


  17. you're knocked up!


  18. If 3 tests say you are then you are!!!


  19. Three positive results, and you haven't gone to a clinic yet? Get your butt in gear!!!

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