
Am I Done Growing? I'm 14, 5'8?

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Parents are 5'5 and 5'6. And i havent grown in a few months or so. Am I done growing, since i'm taller than my parents?

And BTW i have 2 cousins they're both 6 ft, and their parents are 5'2. So is it Unlikely OR Likely that im gonna get taller?




  1. you are a guy yes? then you are prob not done growing even tho you are taller than both parents. you may have tall genes in you and your parents just went effected by them but guys usually dont stop growing until late teens and even into their twenties for some

  2. Normally people are taller than their parents.  You probably won't stop growing until you're about 18.  So don't worry, you'll probably still grow some more.

  3. You could be done.  It's not unusual to finish growing at that age.  Not everyone grows until they're 18.  And even less people grow into their 20s.

  4. if u dont want to grow that much, work out. if your a guy, your gonna continue to grow until 21. maybe you'll grow up to be the tallest man on earth.  

  5. I couldn't tell you

  6. You will probably peak at 6'0 at the age of 18 when males usually stop growing.

  7. It's possible that you could grow some more. Usually guys dont stop growing until theyre about 17 or 18, but it also depends on when you went through puberty. If youve already gone through it, you could be done. But chances are youll still grow another inch or two or maybe more :)

    i hope this helps!

  8. boys tend to not stop growing until their 17-20

  9. I have a brother who did not stop growing until he was 28. He finally stopped at 6'7"

  10. Lol man I know at your age your worried about your height but trust me on this man,your not done growing  I don't care if you were 5 foot last month and you grow 6 inches in a month your for sure not done growing.Your only 14 and you have AT LEAST 3 years left of growing so if your happy about that fact or your sad about it, it  looks like you'll be following your cousins and be about 6 feet tall.

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