
Am I Emo? Whats even the defination of Emo?

by Guest57730  |  earlier

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everyone is always calling me emo and i dont really understand why!!! im not emotional and i dont cut my self or anything. yes i have dark hair and bangs, but they color is natural not out of a box!! i do like heavy eyeliner and dark clothes, but thats just because darker colors look better with my complexion then lighter colors. should i maybe not dress this way? do i seem like a poser? i always just though i was being myself.




  1. If you have to even ask that, then no. You are definitely not "emo". Forget labels, we're people not products! People overuse the word emo anyway... Ignore them all though. They're probably all preppy little nightmares who are happy 24/7. Tell them to eff off and go bake cupcakes made out of rainbows and sunshine. -_-

  2. just be yourself but maybe add some color. your not emo you just like dark things and thats not bad.

    when you get dressed maybe put a colored tank top underneath or something.

    and when you do your makeup maybe put a different color eyeliner or put less on

  3. the term "emo" is sometimes stereotyped with tight jeans on males and females alike, long fringe (bangs) brushed to one side of the face or over one or both eyes, dyed black, straight hair, tight t-shirts (sometimes short sleeved) which often bear the names of emo bands (or other designer shirts), studded belts, belt buckles, canvas sneakers or skate shoes or other black shoes (often old and beaten up) and thick, black horn-rimmed glasses.Emo fashion has changed with time. Early trends included straight, unparted hair, tightly fitting sweaters, button-down shirts, and work jackets. This fashion has at times been characterized as a fad.

    Another example of hair characteristic of emoIn recent years the popular media has associated emo with a stereotype that includes being emotional, sensitive, shy, introverted, or angsty. It is also associated with depression, self-injury, and suicide.

    Also only g*y dudes and emo kids wear makeup. Unless you do movies or TV

  4. don't change just because people are calling you "emo". their really isn't a definition for emo people except they get really depressed about little things, but I'm not even sure that's correct. its just a name kids call other kids. stay yourself, if you want, but clothes that make you pop more, and help brighten your personality.

  5. Emo and Scene kids scare me.

    AHHH. Creepy mother *******.

  6. just tell them to go suck it

    they shouldnt assume that just b/c you wear a flattering classy shade that your emo

    but uhh, easy on the eyeliner, no one likes a racoon

  7. Emo is something that really cruel people make up so they can further segregate the world. Don't listen to everyone, you're being yourself. I think the definition of poser would be a person who tries overly hard to fit into some social class that doesn't exist. Long story short, just don't worry about other people, they'll reach you're level soon.

  8. Emo is a type of music child. Emotional Hardcore.

    You are yourself tell those idiots that.

  9. all the stuff you just said....IS BEING YOURSELF. so what if someone calls you emo. its a type of lifestyle and a genre of music not a label to a person. if you like dressing that way, keep doing wearing it! dont change because someone has to throw around a few names to call you.

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