
Am I FAKE? I wanna change myself, but...?

by  |  earlier

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I like the way I look, but I feel like my personality doesn't match my looks. I hate how inelegant and unclassy I am/act. Also, I often make dumb comments, and act too immature for my liking. (I'm 20)

Now I know a girl who is very classy, def not perfect, but I look up to her just cause of the way she acts.

Well, lately I've been trying to be more like her. In situations when I almost wanna say/do something "dumb", I remind myself of how that other girl would never say/do that, and act like she would have.

Is that the way to go? I know there is nothing wrong with wanting to change yourself, but I just wanna know is this the right way to do it?

Any advice for me?




  1. I think its alright to take certain aspects of people and better yourself with them. This doesn't make you fake at all, but make sure your not trying to turn into her, if people are friends with you its because of the qualities you already have and being immature and unclassy may be some of those things that make you, you.

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