
Am I Going Insane? It Seems The Easiest Answer.

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Alright, I know most of you are going to tell me I am insane- I just hope you are right. Maybe I will be told I am a fourteen year old with too much imagination or time- this answer-if it is correct- would also please me. Anyway, I've been seeing things. Not kind, welcoming things, either. They generally take the shape of really tall, thin human beings. But not only is their form weird, but they also glow. When I first saw them, I was outside with my cousin who is a year older than I. She did not see them, but she said she felt something. It was dark outside, so we told ourselves the woods were messing with our minds. But they kept coming back. And when we were talking about them, her younger sister of six woke up, and heard us talking about the creatures and asked us these exact words: "Why are you talking about closet buddy?" She had told us there was a closet buddy-she was terrified of him,- but she had never described him to us before. And, ever since I had visited my cousin out on her farm, they've been showing about everywhere. And when my cousin ever feels or sees one I can, in a sense tell. So, am I going insane?




  1. Do not doubt the ability of your brain to invent things that aren't there.  You do it every time you dream.  Usually, it doesn't happen when you're awake, but sometimes it does.

    Rest assured that you are not being haunted by a ghost or spirit, because these things do not exist.

    However, it might be a good idea to talk to a psychiatrist about these visions if they are affecting your life adversely.

  2. Do you read the Bible? I would suggest you to get on your knees and pray and ask Jesus into your heart and start reading his word daily out loud.

    Do not entertain these things that you are seeing and do not ask them any questions but tell them to go in the name of Jesus.  Only the word of God can get rid of them. They will flee but you must ask Jesus the Christ into your heart and forgive you of your sins. You will learn how to fight the wiles of the devil with the word of God. God bless you.

  3. I dont think your going crazy. I believe there are things that are unexplained. Sounds like something evil. Try going to ghost/paranormal forums online and post this question there. Maybe someone can help you identify what it is. I was going to say shadow people which is very bad but I dont think shadow people glow.

  4. This sounds like a text book non-human haunting to me. You are not crazy! They can not hurt you though. The "attack" im sure has a rational explaination to it. Spirits would have no need to rip down the screen as they can simply pass right through it. If the spirits bother you then demand them to leave! Have you tried that yet? Try burning some sage through out the house while you do this. At the very least they will go away for a little while.

  5. If you are not making this up ask your parents to take you to a doctor to get your vision checked and to make sure that you are not having hallucinations.

  6. you are not crazy so don't let none of these fools on yahoo answers validate this about you. With that said I don't think what you seen ghost or spirits or anything like that due to the fact that you can clearly see them, their not images they don't whisper or try to communicate with you such as "hauntings" I do however think that they're inter-dimensional beings. I believe that they're all kinds of creatures in other dimensions that we cannot see, in fact I have seen some in pictures that I have. I have never seen what you describe but nevertheless you are seeing SOMETHING! now I didn't want to mention this since I'm really not a believer or even interested in what I'm about to say, but for sake of this topic here goes... maybe their "aliens" yeah I know I didn't won't to go there but you did say a farm and you kind of described them as what "aliens" look like plus woods that you mention equals the middle of nowhere and to my knowledge that always seems to be the hangout spots for so called "aliens" may I ask what state does your cousin live in? that could also play a huge part of what's going on I'll love to hear more about your encounters just go to my profile and email me:) oh yeah I just have to mention that as soon as I read your question the movie "Signs" with Mel Gibson popped in my head that's exactly why I thought aliens if you haven't seen the movie please watch it there are scenes in it that seems very similar to what you say is going on.

  7. I'm not a psychologist. You aren't necessarily going insane, but you have what looks like the classic symptoms of hallucinations. I would recommend your seeing a counselor. Nowadays you have to be really really out there to be placed in an institution; you have to be a danger to yourself or others, so please don't worry about that. If what you say is true, and you otherwise act normally, there isn't a chance you'll be institutionalized. A counselor can help you work through this. People who encourage your hallucinations are not helping you, they will only make matters worse..

  8. You're not crazy hon. I've seen things in my life that scare the bejeebies out of me. I'm with Grandma in the sense that you need to tell these things to go. Demand them to leave you. In the name of Jesus christ is stronger IF you believe. If you don't, adding it is just words. Don't bring in religious beliefs if it's not your thing, it angers them.

    They cannot hurt you if you don't give them the power to do so. So stop being afraid. Tell your friend to be strong within herself, to know that she is safe, because she is.

    Then call archangel Michael and ask him to protect you guys and your houses and to get rid of these things. Doesn't matter how you call him, no special words, he will hear you, and he will come. He told me once it's as simple as whispering, "Archangel Michael, help me, help me, help me."

    A couple other things you can do that might help.... burn candles. White ones, pure white not vanilla white. Three perferrably, but even one is good. Burn it for a while every day. It represents the light (good) and it brings light to your home. Natural light, the light of fire. False light, lightbulbs and whatnot, isn't enough. So keep your curtains open during the day as well.

    Burn incense. Frankincense or franincense and myrrh are the strongest, but what you want is any fragrance that makes YOU feel good. That makes you close your eyes and inhale and smile, because you just love the scent of it. Nag Champa is excellent for this, as it's got a beautiful positive scent. It's also a popular scent you can find anywhere. I've also seen incense sticks in the grocery store with a scent called "Dragon's Blood". This is a very strong scent and is good to use as well. Burn a stick (or cone) of it daily. Since you still live with your parents, burn these things in your room (it's your space).

    peace and love to you. And remember--they can't hurt you. They can only make you afraid.

  9. Wear a crucifix and put garlic in your pocket in case it helps.

    Some people can see things that others can't see.  Perhaps you can speak to a catholic priest about this, they have people specially trained in exorcism. Ask for some holy water from him too. Sprinkle it when you see these beings.

    Speak to your parents if this continues, it might decrease as you get older

  10. ok u are definitely having some sort of strange experience, try restricting your crack smoking to weekends only and see if this helps, if not, u may have to give up the magic mushrooms and other narcotics that u are clearly indulging in. if all else fails try narcotics anonymous.

  11. did it have  a long nose?

  12. Yes you are going insane.  Get help

  13. I agree with grandma. I believe that you are seeing demonic spirits. As such my advise would be to pray asking Jesus Christ to protect you and your family. Then whenever you see those beings command them to leave you and your family and your house alone in the name of Jesus Christ. If the problem persists consult a pastor for assistance. Take care!!!

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