
Am I Headed For Trouble???

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Ok, i am a 17 year old recovering anorexic. Lately, i've noticed that i feel extremely guilty if i don't exercise. Like, i was just at the gym yesterday, and i feel so bad because i haven't done any exercising today. I feel lazy and like i don't deserve to eat unless i exercise. When i do exercise, i do not do it excessively, but i fear that i am going to become addicted. Are these feelings normal at all? Should i feel bad about myself? How can i snap myself out of this before it gets out of control?




  1. Because you have had anorexia you have and are dealing with weight issues although you are recovering. If you miss one session at the gym dont be so hard on yourself. Its not like your going to pile on the pounds. So okay for some reason you cant get to the gym today, fine its okay to not exercise for one day i mean you need to rest and relax sometimes aswell. No one deservs not to eat. I Think you will feel worse if you didn't eat because your body will be all mixed up and have no energy to fight back these feelings. Just eat healthy and have a rest and you'll be fine.  

  2. That could eventually evolve into a serious problem. You NEED to tell your mom. She will be able to help you understand that you need to exercise and eat regularly and healthy.

    You should talk to a professional.  

  3. You have to accept the fact that you have a problem and you need to get over the fact that you have a weight problem and accept yourself as normal.........

  4. better to exercise and be healthy than to starve yourself and be killing yourself in the process.  I say as long as you are not exercising for more than 45-60 min's a day it's ok,  but please don't starve yourself or count calories

  5. Being addicted to exercise is never a bad thing.

    Anorexia is!

    Eat good and work out. The food becomes muscle and that is good!

  6. You need professional help. I'm not trying to bag on you or anything, but what you have is a disorder. You need to work on realizing that what matters most is your health not appearance. I struggled with bulimia for a while. The doctor told me that I was using food like I would use a drug. I used it to make me feel good. I think that you do the same with exercise. Remember, with any kind of diet you can think of (diet is the term for the eating habits you have, it doesn't mean a salad and glass of water) if it sounds unhealthy, it more than likely is. The greatest thing you can do is listen to yourself. Read what you wrote. Do you really think that sounds healthy? Dont feel bad about yourself, this is a disorder and you can overcome it. the greatest gift you can give yourself is love. Learn to love yourself and you can overcome anything. Go see your doctor, talk to your parents and tell them whats going on, dont fear to seek help. After all, isn't it why you came on here?

  7. Yes, perfectly normal...

    I go to the gym about 5 days per week and if I miss a couple of days I start to feel depressed. It's a natural reaction to the endorphins released during exercise, or the lack there of.

    Edit: Don’t listen to all the fat lazy people who will tell you that this is a problem as they have obviously never been within 100 feet of a gym in their entire lives!

    Edit: Anyone who tells you to stop exercising is just jealous that you have the willpower to get off your butt and go to the gym. That’s why we have an Obesity pandemic in America.

  8. You possibly need to get help with this because it sunds like you could be falling back into it. Tell yourself that you don't need to deserve food to eat it as well and gain control of your body.

  9. You need to snap yourself out of this or you will be anorexic again. Even if you don't exercise you need to eat.

  10. im a recovering ex anorexic well this is how i felt but what i did was play a phyiscal sport like a team and made sure i did it everyday even when i didnt have practice. so i wouldnt get this feeling. hope i helpes and good luck.....

    maybe try to seek help they have many groups for this even online. =]

  11. Go back to were you went to recover in the first place...

    Have faith in made the right choice to get help the first time and you will make the choice to get help again...

    Good Luck!!!

  12. with all due respect, you should seek help.

  13. put yourself on a work-out schedule,maybe 3 or 4 days a week ans stick to it.That a you won't feel guilty on your days off which you need to get maximum result from exercising anyway.

  14. yes they are normal i feel the same way i eat to much junk but i workout all you have to do is eat your not lazy your just thinking it all in your head and if you don't eat yes you will be headed for trouble.

  15. anorexia is not a health yway to be living your life.

    if your trying to get out of the habit, i would say excersizing wont help you stop anorexia. You want to gane wieght not still lose it. Dont feel gulity, when you gained a desirable weight then you can start excersizing before/after ervy meal.. but for now focus on getting your weight back, and become healthy again..

    good luck, hope all is well!  

  16. okay, Stop being so hard on your self!

    you CAN eat and DONT feel guilty about it at all, you need to eat to live, so therefore you deserve to eat becuase you deserve to live!

  17. well, maybe you should just slow down a bit from all the exercising, and just take a while to think about what you're doing to your body and how it could help/worsen your life. (:

    like, if you keep exercising & you keep having these thoughts about being guilty of not going to the gym, that could make you anorexic again and your life could go on the wrong path.

    or, if you just do what i suggested at the top of my answer; like slow down and think about life, maybe you could control your life and walk on the right path.

    or, you could try seeing a therapist or a psychiatrist. [:

    i hope i helped. <3

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