
Am I?...I can't be!?

by  |  earlier

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My period stopped on Sunday, the 22nd i think. I had s*x 2 days ago. I'm bleeding a little and it looks like I'm spotting...i went and got some tests done today and there is no infection or any signs of anything. The dr. said that if I am pregnant, it is too early to tell. The dr. was a male and he said he "doesn't think I'm pregnant because it doesn't add up with my period cycle." You can not always rely on the "Cycle" though...then a nurse came in when the dr. left and said that she has 8 children and that she thinks that I am pregnant...what do you think??? HELP PLEASE




  1. Unfortunately your only reliable answer is going to come from a urine test after your next period is due.

    Your Doctor can take a blood test as this can indicate pregnancy earlier than your period due date but still it's even probably too early for that.

    I conceived after having a couple of months of very erratic periods so you can't always rely on your period cycle to help determine if you may have conceived.

    Best option is to take a test :)

  2. It's gonna be a wait and see game.

  3. Most likely you are pregnant. You may be one of those with an irregular cycle so the 'cycle' may not apply to you. Give it 2 weeks up o one month and see a doctor again.

  4. If you just had your period there is NO way  that you are pregnant, but it all goes back to was it a "normal" period or could it have been spotting and you thought it was a period? I say if you were pg, and going by your supposedly period it would show up on a pg test if you were pg. Have you taken a home pregnancy test? Pregnancy spotting is usually lighter than a period and pinkish or brownish. If though this was your real period it is way to early, you wouldn't even of had time to ovualate, and it takes 6-12 days to implant, you can't have a period ovulate and implant within 2days. Good luck

  5. i believe that you are... everything adds up. good luck, congrats mommy to be. make sure to keep us posted

  6. You need to miss a period for an at home test to be correct. Ask for a blood test if you want to know now.

    Good luck

  7. wait it out then test

  8. just because you arent ovualting doesnt mean you didnt get pregnant. heck, you can even get pregnant on your period! the best you can do is wait and take a  test in 2 weeks. best of luck!

  9. well i would defenitly do a test to be sure!i never spoted with any of my pregnancys, but i know that happens! i would take a test right before your next period is supost to start, there is thoues 1st respose tests you can take like as early as 5 days before your missed period! i know everyday wondering feels like a week

  10. first of all, do not panic - stressing out can delay your period even more, & can also cause things like headaches, stomachaches, nausea & dizziness, things that all look a lot like pregnancy symptoms.

    second of all, your doctor has a point - if you had s*x two days ago, & that`s the time you suspect you got pregnant, it is way too early to tell. wait it out a bit more. if you don`t get your period at all for the next month, then take a test. you could be stressing out over it too much.

    the bleeding, assuming it started right after you had s*x two days ago, could be simply because of rough s*x, although i only say that because based on myself, i bleed a little if he goes too far & hits my cervix.

    just wait it out, hun, & try not to worry too much.
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