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I don't think I was ever LD, I never have. I was clumsy, shy and I spoke with a slight slip, but other than that I was a normal kid. Other than speech therapy I never recieved any help academically. I was always a mainstream student, and I always did well in my class. I just never did my homework. (I didn't care)

I never even knew the name of my LD, until I was 15, before they threw me out of SPED. I was told I was NVLD. But when I looked it up, I could only match myself up with a few of the symptoms. The others are too vague. The school also knew that I was terrified of my stepfather growing up, but they never did anything to intervene.

So what do you think? Am I LD or was the school just lazy?




  1. Non Verbal LD wouldn't really affect you're school work, but more your social and creative skills. It's a 'right brained' issue. No one can answer your question on line. We don't know what the school did to help you, or how you received this diagnoses. We have never heard you speak, or seen you do anything. But if you feel the school has done you wrong, do something about it. If you're still in school, demand that you be reassessed. If you're not in school, prevent you're own children and your friends from being mistreated. If you want, even as an adult you could still be reassessed. Whether or not you have LD, you are still a very smart person. Don't let other peoples labels for you hold you back! They are just that, a 'label' a word people use to organize others. Take it only as that, and do no dwell on it. Good luck!

  2. The diagnosing of NVLD is quite an extensive process.  The testing is administered by specialized psychologists who utilize and analyze  a whole series a different tests.  Chances are your school is just  " labeling" you  for their own purposes.  If you have gone through this process I'm sure you would have been aware of it.   Is the school lazy?   Perhaps.  It is very convenient to label children who don't fit into their little profile.  They may also be able to receive extra funding if they have children with special needs.   It could work in your favor if you can get extra help.    I'm sorry about your experience with your stepfather.  I am sure that alone has made school extra difficult for you.  Living under stress has probably had a tremendous negative impact on your school performance.   Good luck.  Don't let any of them try to keep you down.
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