
Am I Old Enough To Make My Own Decisions?

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I am 16 and my parents just moan moan moan. Cut your hair, take your studs out, don't wear those, don't wear contact lenses. It just drives me crazy. I want to grow my hair. And do things my way, its how I express myself and who I am.

Shall I follow their orders or be free




  1. You only have two more years to go, tough it out then move out then you can make your own decisions.

  2. If you're not 18 I guess you should listen to them espesailly if you're staying with them. I'm 17 and my mom is still calling me her baby and wont let me do what I want. But I respect her so I listent to her and does what she say

  3. if you want to be free,,,move out OR, do as thy say

  4. I personally believe you are old enough to decide on the things you just wrote. Those are small decisions. You can easily make those. You just can't make big decisions that will affect your life yet. Parents do have a hard time letting go. Sometimes it is just best to listen to them if you are a teenager. It'll save you from fights that you don't even need.

    You can easily talk to your parents about small decisions that don't affect your life that much. If that doesn't work, then you can't really do anything until you are 18.

  5. If you are living in your parents home then sorry to say but they actually have the right to advice you on what you can and cannot do.   If at 16 you decide that you want to go out and explore the big world then you can get your own place and make your own decisions.  But remember someday you too will be a parent and probably your kids will be saying the same d**n things about you as you are about your folks.  That is just part of live and growing up.

  6. i know you want to be your own person. however its hard for parents to let go. you worry so much. each generation is different. maybe you can sit them down and say this is what todays kids do, and you are not a bad kid you get good grades ect... only you know if they will listen. however if they are really hard nosed about it i would just ride it out and keep the peace because i doubt they do that to be mean. its just hard to adjust to todays times.  you dont want to cause trouble and make life miserable for all of you

  7. Check the guide lines for your state.  In Michigan I was able to move out when i was 17.   And sorry but your parents need to loosen up.   I have 4 kids and I would never make them cut their hair and if they wanted contacts then there gonna get contacts.

    good luck

  8. leagally YOU are their responsibility and YOu should do what they ask out of respect and being under their roof...when you are 18 and have a home of ur own etc etc then you can do as you please and they dont have any say so.  I know its hard being a teen thease days, but you really need to respect their wishes.  My son is learning now how people see you about the way you dress etc.  Its hard to get a job and be respected by adults when you do stuff to "express yourself" because they look at the outside and not the real person inside.  just a few more years, hang in there, it will be there in no time.

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