
Am I Over Weight? I Really Need to know~?

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I'm 5' 2" and 14 years old~

I am active!

I play sports like: Diving and Swimming

I look good but my belly is a little wrinkly!





  1. You are definatly NOT fat and im pretty sure your pretty hehe ^^. Although if you do want to look skinnier if you drink soda quit it. Chips, cookies oily food etc = no good. Just Keep up your exercising and eating the right foods and you'll be fine. And im pretty sure about this but you'll be noticing some changes around your body O.O. Not that i would know ima guy.  

  2. No you are not!

  3. If your belly doesn't have a little fat on it you'd have incredibly little body fat. If you really dislike it do a few stomach excercises to define your abs a little more. But it's fine.

    I'm 5'4" and 115 lbs which is a little lighter by correlation but the doctor's always tell me I'm underweight, so you're fine (somewhere at the light end of healthy, if I'm correct).

  4. No you are not

    and your too young to really worry about that

    also........weigh............unless Im way off

  5. Why do you young women fret so much over your body?  You are 14, you are likely not finished growing.  And, no one should be seeing your belly anyway.  Diving and swimming for exercise are best done in a one-piece suit.  Seriously, if you are going to loose sleep over the belly get a workout ball (Wal-Mart or some similar store usually has them cheap) and do some curls.  109lbs at 5'2" is could gain 10lbs and still be fine.  Just don't start starving yourself to be thin, please.

  6. 107 or 109?

    not overweight at all.

    the reccomended weight for someone your heigh is 110 lbs.

    and youre just under that, which is still great.

    youre at a perfect weight, you have nothing to worry about :)

  7. Not at all. You are at a perfect weight; you could even gain some and still be in the healthy range for your height (and you will probably grow some more since you are only 14).

  8. no you are actually at a good weight. try not to lose any though

  9. No, just a little under. For your height you should weigh 115 ~ 120

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