
Am I Overgeneralizing when I say most people have two legs?

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Obviously that is not the question I want answered (the one I want answered is the one at the end). I am aware of stupid generalizations but I think people who answer "not all are like that" or “racist” are going way too far.

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////LAZY PEOPLE//// (who do not like reading for extended periods) just read the top part and last sentence to understand the real question and to help prevent useless answers.

Everyone else do what you do (now giving examples).

One question that I saw was asking (by a white girl) “why do South Americans have more children (bigger families) than most people?”

Of course she was called “racist” and “not all of them do” instead of giving her the real answer why, which would be the same reason why whites in the Midwest have bigger families, more space/room for bigger families and in rural areas kids are more of an asset and not a liability as they can be put to work.

Another question was ask (by a black girl) something along the lines as why does she changes her behavior when she is with her black friends (where she talk ghetto was the term she used and threw lots of sarcastic jokes around) but when she was with her white friends she dressed preppy and acted reserved.

This person was flooded with not all black people are like that, which is something she never said herself and I really doubt these people actually know what the majority of her friends are like, instead of actually answering the question in a useful way.

As I said I am aware of stupid generalizations obviously out of hate or to get others riled up (and they deserve an answer bashing them back) but if the asker is being sincere or if the question is actually harmless either way, why are so many people being so sensitive and insecure giving answers that are making them look foolish and ridiculous.

(I might be asking this question again in the future to get more responses)

Now here is my real question

Are we losing our ability to state what we observe either due to fear, peer pressure, guilt, or any other force?




  1. you could have hit the nail on the head there. I think that sometimes we do get a bit too politically correct.

  2. I read your whole entire passage. To answer your question, I don't think we are losing our ability to state what we observe. Some people are only around one kind of people and what they know about other groups or races is what they see on TV or the internet. Or they judge a whole group of people based on the kinds of people who are in their neighborhood. So, they take this perception to be true and place a generalization on everyone in that group. This is why some of us feel the need to reply, "Not all of them are like that." Of course this does not answer the question and it is defensive but every now and again people need to be reminded. People can and do freely state what they observe. There is no fear there.

    However, some people are insecure and sensitive. Things that are not racist will be taken as racist. Everything has to be a direct attack.  

  3. you have a good point

    uhh i guess its because of too much political correctness

    and people being overly sensitive

  4. "If you want to tell people the truth, make them laugh, otherwise they'll kill you." -Oscar Wilde

    Yes, but that's where tact and taste come into play.  Its not what she said but how she said it.  the first girl might have done better to say it like "why does it seem that South American culture seem to emphasize larger families".  the Klu Klux Klan did something like that in the 70's when they had an apperance makeover.  They stated that there group would no longer stand against the black man but instead fight for the rights of the white man.

    But this is what you have to deal with in all Western society, being blunt and smashing truth in peoples faces will make you hated.  I believe what Oscar Wilde's quote is the best.

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