
Am I Physic...or is this just a coincidence?

by Guest56054  |  earlier

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well i know i may be young (15), but ever since i started grade 8, i have always had an excellent intuition. i know that junior and high school relationships may not be serious, but just here me out here.

so ever since grade 8 i have always had an intuition on relationships with my friends. i would always get these feelings when my friends would like some1, when some1 is going to break up with some1 else. i would wake up one morning, and just think, "oh my boyfriend is going to break up with me today" and sure enough he would. and this is not something that happened occasionally. this happened to me ALL THE TIME. my friends and i like to hang out with each other in groups. so we would all go to starbucks or to our favorite parks all the time. and before we would even leave, i would always know who was going to flirt, who was going to fight, and almost exactly what would happen.

now heres where it gets weird.

ever since i was about 10, i have been very judgmental of people. i could look at some1 on the street or in the hallways and seem to know alot about them without even meeting them. my friends and my family used to tell me it was almost like i can read people, like i know how they feel or certain thoughts they have.

I also used to be very good at guessing who my mom was talking to on the phone. by the tones of her voice, or the way she was talking, i always could tell who was on the other side of the phone line. and i was 90% right.

But, starting my freshman year of highschool i have been noticing that strange things are starting to happen. when the door bell would ring, i would make guessing on who was going to be there, and my guesses were starting to be right. Same goes with tellephone. My phone rings about 10 times a day. about 7/10 of the times i can guess who is calling without check the caller ID.


-During the summer, my family has a summer cottage in the georgian bay area. everyones cottage is on its own island, and there are no roads, so every1 drives boats everywhere. One night my brother was out at a party. he said he would be spending the night at his friends cottage so he wouldnt have to drive home in the dark. this is what he usually does, so it is nothing out of the ordinary. we have cell phones up at our cottage but since i am from america, the coverage in canada isnt that great, and i rarely get service. this sometimes causes text messages to come in late, and receive voice mails with out my phone ringing. anyways, that night at around 2 i woke up for no reason. and couldnt fall back to sleep no matter how hard i tried, it almost felt like i was being held back from sleeping. i had this strong feeling in my mind and i didnt know what it was. it wasnt a head ache, it was just a feeling. the feeling was telling me to turn on the lights in the front room. so i did this and then went back to my room. i checked my phone to see the time and then went back and layed down in bed. 10 minutes later my phone beeped and i had a text message. i looked at it, it was from my borther and it said "hey sis im actually gonna be coming home tonight, could you leave the lights in the front room on so i can see the cottage when im coming across the bay?" the message was sent at 1:30 and i received it about an hour later. i was so freaked out/excited so i ran into his room and he wasnt home yet. then i looked across the bay and saw the lights on his boat coming across the bay.

-that summer i was working at a drama camp as a councelor. it was just me and one other lady that were the teachers. this ladies name was annie. she was about the same age as my dad and really fun. one day, out of the blue, she asked me if i had ever felt as if i was oddly more "in touch" with myself then usually. i was shocked, and told her about the boat story and everything i have written in this note. she told me that her brother was a physic/medium and she gets the same feeling when shes around me that she got when she was around her brother. during the winter, Annie is a teacher for children with ADHD, ADD, Dislexia, and Aspergers disease. since i also have severe ADHD, i felt like i could really connect with Annie and i liked that she understood all these experiences i had been having. In camp one day we got a camper who always seemed to be a bit slower, i knew there was something wrong from the second i met him. i kept thinking, he has a learning disabitlity, he has aspergers. i just know it. i told Annie and she said that i could be right and that was a very good assumption. she talked to his parents about it and they got him tested. this was in mid-July. a few weeks i got an email from Annie stating that my intution was right he had aspergers disease.

-2 weeks ago was my first week back from the cottage all summer. on wednessday night i had a nightmere that i was at my cottage and there was a huge storm coming. s




  1. hm. i get alot of that too, but not nearly as much as you.

    i got a test, like the other girl.

    what artist am i listening to?

    emailll ( i feel bad for like testing you but its a way to be sure.

    heres some stuff about me:

    i am 12 years old

    i am a girly girl but i play alotta sports

    i love acting

    i have brown hair and green eyes.

    i do have some pychsic ability, but not too much that its freaky.

    See if you can guess what band/artist i am currently listening to.

  2. you could be really good at guessing things, or really good at seeing how life works and your mind takes life's mathimatical equations like a breeze, you COULD have some sort of psycic ability but you never know until you test yourself for real one day and actually predict something really unpredictable in the future or actually read someones mind that can be really unpredictable, if you can guess what i have in my head right now, ill beleive you 100% :)

    and yes i do beleive through the internet it can be impossible to read someones mind but its worth a try! lol

  3. Intuition is a survival mechanism developed over tens of thousands of years of human evolution.  The ability to "read" the nonverbal cues of others is present in all humans; in fact, about 80% of our interpersonal communication is non-verbal. Some people are more skilled at this whether naturally or by practice. "Psychics" are practitioners of a process called "cold reading", where they are able to "read" another person's non-verbal cues and through a process of judicious questioning determine "private" information. Everybody has the experience of "knowing" who's at the door or on the phone, it's common. When you state that you're able to look at someone on the street or in a hall and "know" things about them would really only be valid if A) they were confirmed to be true and B) if they were truly things you couldn't possible have known.  Here's a test to see if you truly are psychic.  Tell me 1) the name of my first pet  2) what present I received for Christmas when I was five years old. Answer accurately, and you might be psychic!

  4. email me, tell me what Im thinking. what Im doing.. see if your right.  

  5. I used to be a bit intuitive but as I got older it seems to have faded away.  Always try to stay in tune with your inner self

  6. it must be that your life right now is ordered, you have things timed. what are you a physics or PSYCHIC. why didn't you know that heh. also why don't you read your own mind, if you can then you are a so called PSYCHIC, if not then your just cranky. and think too much.  

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