
Am I Pregnant? Please help with good answers.?

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Okay my boyfriend and I are wanting to have a baby, obviously we are taking the steps needed to have one. We are 28 and have been together for a while and are deeply in love. I haven't taken a birth control pill in over 3 1/2 weeks. I have been getting sick to my stomach the last couple of days, my period was supposed to start on the 20th but it hasn't so out of excitement I took a test and it came back negative. Could I be pregnant just not enough for the test to pick up on it? Also, can anyone tell me any early early signs of pregnancy that they had? Thanks from a future proud mommy!




  1. Wait a couple more days and take a test.

  2. you could be pregnant. Sometimes it may take up to five weeks for the pregnancy hormone tp show up. To be absolutely sure,go to your doctor and get a blood test. It will show up in your blood. 24 hours after conception,it will show up in the blood.

  3. it is tooooooooo early for the test to pick up.first of all have u ever been late before?i know the wait is killing u bust u will have to wait atleast 7 days after missed period to take just doesn't show that best wishes r with u.try to keep calm although i know its going to be impossible till u know for sure!!

  4. Just wait couple more days I did an pregnancy test bein 5 days late and it came out nagative I also went to the doctors because I wasnt feeling well I was always sleepy I would be at work fallin asleep I would get home and all I wanted was to sleep so I went did a pregnancy test and nagative I waited 5 more days did another one and it was positive so I think just wait couple more days keep your hope up and good luck to you  

  5. You could be, although sometimes after you stop the pill your cycles can be a little out of whack -- mine were anyway. When we were trying for our first, I was off the pill for eight months before we started trying so my cycles could normalize.

    My first signs when I was pregnant were hot flashes, sore bb's, dizziness, nausea.

    If you don't yet, it might be helpful to chart your basal body temperature and use a place like or the OvuSoft software that helps you figure out your cycles more. Helped me a lot -- good luck to you!

  6. okay, from what i've heard most people say. if you've missed your period for more than 2 days, then yeah, you could be pregnant. but yeah go to a doctor and get a blood test done and see if it shows up which it might or probably will. so.. do that.

    glad i could help out.

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