
Am I ...... Pregnant? help please?

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ive been taking birth control pills, I'm on my second cycle. But the day i took my first active pill for the 2nd month i had unprotected s*x, he pulled out but I'm worried about precum. That was 5 days ago, and since last night ive been feeling really sick to my stomach. Could i be pregnant? I think its to early for me to be getting signs, right? When can i take a home test? i don't get my period till the 20th of next month.




  1. Just wait, relax. you can take most tests (i.e. ept/first response) up to five days before your period. just wait and take it. They've always been accurate for me.

  2. When my ex girlfriend was pregnant, the night before we had s*x and then the next morning she started getting real sick. She was pregnant but she had a miscarriage. It sounds to me like your pregnant but I would go to the OBGYN and take a test just to make sure.

  3. It's too early to tell.

  4. Too early for symptoms and test chances are your bc is still in your system pretty good. too late for plan b though.  

  5. take a pregnancy test to find out

  6. you might want to go to a doctor if your really concerned

  7. There are so many questions like these

    1. He has to come inside of you.

    2. Get a home test for now and for next month. That equals 2...

    3. Don't do a plan B pill.

    4. You are probably so worried your not eating and getting sick.

    But like I tell everybody its not sooo bad to be a mom if you do get pregnant please dont get an abortion I thought I wanted one but now that I rememer I even thought that it makes me sick and It is cruel.

    I am so happy I stuck through it i am more happier than i ever was!

    But either way good luck.

  8. it is to early to tell. But, get a blood test in 10 more days

  9. You will be fine, its far far far too early for pregnancy signs to be showing up. I would say that as long as youve been steady on your pills then you are fine it those who miss days here and there that have a chance of pregnancy and then it is very very light. But its too early in your cycle for you to even be close to ovulating nad that has to happen on or around the time he does anything. Besides, you can get pregnant off precum but its rare-er then if hed have goofed up in you  

  10. its way to early to tell but ive read that if a girl thinks she might be pregnant and thinks about it to much that your body can actually start having signs of pregnancy like getting sick...but you could just be worrying yourself to much to were your sick to your stomach or you might just be sick...could have been bad food or a bug going around...

  11. yes you could sweety and u should take a test in 2 more days.

  12. 5 days before your period the 15th  

  13. A woman usually ovulates about 14 days after the start of her period and lasts for about 18 hours.  The sperm can live up to five days. I'd guess you aren't however nothing is fool-proof.  You are a little early to have symtoms of prenancy.  You could just be stressed.  

  14. I really don't think so if you have been taking your pills correctly.  Your sickness may be in your head.  

  15. The feeling of being sick to your stomach may just be that you're worried sick about being pregnant.  I think the best pregnancy test work about a week before your period.

    Good luck I hope it turns out the way you want it to

  16. to late to take plan b. to early to tell if your pregnant. you better wait awhile

  17. take a test in a few weeks

  18. i think u still have time to take the plan b pill

  19. its too early hun...its just your nerves...learn from the experience and use a condom from now on...not to just prevent pregnancy but to protect your beautiful self from stds....nice guys have them too

  20. Not likley at all! The time when you are suppose to be able to fall pregnant in the cycle is about 10- 14 days after your perriod. So it is slap bang in the middle of your cycle when you are ovulating. I would say it is highly unlikley if you were not even taking the pill. Since you have started the pill also, there is no way. Relax you are 100% fine

  21. I highly doubt you're pregnant. Precum has a very low amount of sperm in it. Honestly  though, I'm not pregnant and I get the precum all the time.

    And about the stomach irritaion, you're probablt just worrying yourself sick.

  22. i dont think you are you may just be sick,  or just feeling uneasy about what happened. but when you take the test take it in the morning when you first go to the bathroom.

  23. Hmm...I would go to my doctor if I  were you. If you're not pregnant  and the nausea doesn't go away soon, there may be something really wrong. I mean you could just habe eaten the wrong thing but I wouldn't chance it.

  24. You dont get the sickness (which is usually not just in the morning) until you are around 6 weeks pregnant.  It is probably caused by stress.  Yes you can get pregnant with precum. and like the other person said, get a clear blue easy test it can verify pregnancy five days before your period.

  25. Wait for nine months. If you drop the baby out on the floor board of a beat up Cutlass Supreme in the 7-11 parking lot then it's probably a sure thing. Best of luck!

  26. It's too early.

  27. take a test any way and and reasearch it on the internet but from what ive seen in random places was your b*****s may be sore you would be really tired other than tht i dont know

  28. too early...

  29. its way to early to tell... btw your body can make you think your pregnant if you worry to much about it or want to be... if you dont want a kid... use protection!

  30. Well, i don't know much about when you can take the test, i just thought that i'd let you know, i know two people how have gotten pregnant on birth control, so you should still be careful

  31. you're probably worrying so much, you're making yourself sick

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