
Am I Pregnant or is it stress related?

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So here is the deal. Was supposed to get my period Friday or Saturday. Had a blood test at the doctor on Tuesday of last week and it was a 2 or negative. Then took home pregnancy test yesterday morning and negative. I am clock work at the 28 days and my period is now late. Could it be stress (I have been stressed out lately) or pregnancy? Can tests be wrong until a few days after a missed period?




  1. if youve banged it off with anyone latley then it could be pregnacy.

  2. if the test is negative, i bet its stress related.  wait another week and see what happens.  it could be weird based on your age...

    good luck!

  3. yes they can be. i went through wrong blood test and a bunch of wrong hpts. with my first i got a positive at 3 months second was 8 weeks then the third was 6 weeks, good luck

  4. Yes, stress puts a toll on your body! I thought I was pregnant a few months ago and I was so stressed over it, along with changing jobs and a lot was going on. I ended up being almost 3 weeks late and it finally came. It sounds like your not pregnant only a late period. Hope this helps.

  5. The tests can be wrong (yes even a blood test) if taken a couple of days too early. Give it 2 days and re test.  

  6. You can pregnancy test 7 days after a missed period for the most accuracy. Testing too early can lead to false results.

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