
Am I Pregnant or is this normal? PLEASE HELP!!?

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I have been on bc pills for about a year and recently got off of them about a month ago.

During that month, I have had s*x only twice ( condom).

And so far it has been about 35 days since my last period (its usually around 21-24). But I haven't had any simptoms besides cravings.

Is there a possability that I might be pregnant or is this to be expected after getting off bc pills?




  1. Everybody reacts differently to birth control pills.

    You should have a final 'withdrawal bleed' a few days after you stop taking the pills the same way you would when taking the sugar tablets during your bleeding week. After that it should be back to normal.

    It is possible that you're pregnant, but as long as you're an ovulating woman it is always a possibility! From what you've said you haven't had unprotected s*x so the odds that you're pregnant aren't high.

    Did you have your period on a regular 28 cycle before? If so it's possible your body is just taking a little while longer to adjust but if you're concerned by it then see a GP. Home pregnancy test can't hurt either. Peace of mind is well worth the $10.

    Edit: Most in stream pregnancy tests can be taken up to 5 days before your missed period so if you are pregnant and have actually missed your period it should show up in on an in stream test.

  2. I don't think you're pregnant, as you used condoms, (it is refreshing to answer someone having s*x responsibly!) it can take your body 3 months or more to get back to normal after coming off bc. If you were pregnant, you wouldn't get cravings this early.

    BC works by making your body think it's pregnant, so I think it is probably just the hormones leaving your system.  

  3. It's not impossible that you are pregnant, but it might just be your body getting back into its own cycle. The BC pills regulate your body, and when those hormones stop your body just needs to learn to regulate itself on its own.

    I was on the pill for 10 years and got pregnant, so again not impossible, but if you are unable to relax and just wait a few more days to see if you start your period then get a test. Pregnancy tests are nerve racking, but once you know the answer you will feel so much better.

  4. Your body is probably still adjusting to the hormone change.  Two s*x acts with condoms is not especially risky either.  

    However, since your period is almost two weeks late, I would start looking into a reliable pregnancy test.  With these matters every woman can be radically different in response to regimen changes, so you don't want to take any chances.  If you develop nausea and tender b*****s, then it is REALLY time to worry.

  5. it is possible that you could be pregnant but it is more likely that your body will take a while to settle into a regular pattern. Do not take any risks with unprotected s*x and get a home pregnancy testing kit to put your mind at rest.  

  6. I went off the pill for a while a few years ago and I had the same problem. Your body probably just got used to the pills. Now that you're not taking them anymore it'll take a while for your body to adjust. But if you're really concerned that you might be pregnant, go to the doctor or buy a home pregnancy test from the drug store.

  7. well the best thing for u to do is go to walgreens and buy a pregnancy test. instead of sit here wondering. Good luck to ya!

  8. It's definitely just your body adjusting without the pills. Same thing happened to me, I was always on a 28-29 day cycle and when I went off it switched to about 40-43 day cycle. Needless to say I was definitely freaking out! So don't worry, you just have to get readjusted to your new cycle.

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