
Am I Pretty?! Guys & Girls Answer. Pics Included.?

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I've Heard that I'm Hott or Whatever, But You Never can Really tell whether the ones giving you the statement are being true or not, so, Who better to ask than Perfect Strangers?!

Please Answer!

Thanks For Those Of You Who Answer.






  1. too muchh makeup.

    and you look very constipated.  =]]

  2. Erm.........well..... you have nice...erm..

    I just can't do it.

    No, sorry.

    I tried to be nice!!

  3. you scrunch up your face really weird  :|

  4. time to clean out the ear wax.  maybe you'll hear a little better.

    you are not hot.

  5. you should wear make up

    and dont be afraid to smile w your teeth!! or else you just got a freaky smile  

  6. smile, show your pearly whites

    don't do a closed mouth smile

    get new friends, they lie

  7. i think you're cute. just smile!! work on it in the mirror so it looks natural. :)

    I love the 3rd picture in black and white. You have beatiful eyes.

  8. ur pretttty! i like ur eyes =]

    answer mine:;...

  9. You are super pretty! I love your eyes.

  10. veryyy pretty.

    just don't try to flaunt it, or you'll become ugly to people.


  11. yes you are :] those pictres are cute!

  12. your only pretty when you wear make up =/  

  13. your nose is jewish

    and it distracted me from looking at the pictures

  14. i think youre gorgeous... the scrunch is cute in my opinion, your eyes look great., and you do NOT have a big nose. USHER has a big nose, lol.

  15. um please put more make up on

  16. you are okay

    you look kinda like a w***e

  17. I wouldn't consider you Hot, but I do think you are pretty.  Maybe you could show your teeth a little bit when you are smiling.  It looks like you are trying to hide something.  Either that or you are constipated.  One or the other.

  18. Yeah your very pretty  

  19. dont come online looking for self esteem, please..dont do that to yourself. there are a lot of mean people who say things just to wreck you, and yes you are beautiful.

  20. i think ur pretty. ur smile is a little squished in but w.e. ur still pertty

  21. average

  22. 7.98

  23. you're cute......

    don't be afraid to show your teeth when you smile!!!=]

  24. I'm old enough to be your father. I'm only answering this question because of the negative comments you got. You are a very pretty girl. So are you just going to settle for that? All young men will tell you that you are beautiful, because you are. But you know what they are after! When you find a boy who wants you for the PERSON you are, settle for that and nothing less. Don't sell youself short - I know there's a brain in there besides the beauty!! Prove me wrong and wait for a decent boy who will love you for you!!

  25. stop caring about what other people think of u and be confident in yourself....

  26. honestly no sorry

    i would never think o f you as comepttion for getting guys, and sorry but that face is really anoyying

  27. I dont think having a two year old has anything to do with it,  I have a 1 year old monkey of a son who is always getting into mischeif and i still manage to look fabulous (well my boyfriend always says i look stunning) but thats all that counts to me, not strangers opinions.

  28. you're okay.  I wouldnt say you were hot though

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