
Am I Pretty??????

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Honest answers only. Please be mean if neccessary.




  1. avatar looks ok

  2. i dont like these kinda questions

  3. I would never post a question like this. Many people have told me I am stunningly beautiful, but I bet if I asked on here I'd get some mean fools with critical remarks. Never let your self esteem be determined by the opinions of others. God made us all beautiful and special. We are all supposed to feel good about ourselves, love ourselves, and affirm ourselves. You open yourself up to unmerited cruelty by asking people to be mean. Look at the one who criticized your spelling, how awful of them.

    It will take time, but the older you get you'll learn your worth and value as a woman is a lot more than just what you look like.

  4. Honestly...I love your smile but the angle at which the picture was done makes you look a bit scary.

  5. I don't understand why this question is in the etiquette section.Do you mean "is it rude to fish for compliments " ?

  6. um.. well.. sort of, i mean you should change your hair style to something else, and you have a really sweet personality when i look at the smiley cute face you have, so just the hair.. ;)

  7. what a stupid question we dont even know what you look like

  8. Not really ..

  9. lose the eyebrow ring

    they are so ugly

    that would definetly help.

    you are pretty, but i really perfer lite skinned black girls.

    how old are you.

    im guessing like 15 or 16

    the pic is bad.

    and do something with your hair.

  10. Ew, you ugly.

  11. Your avatar is just lovely.......

  12. Yes. You have nice cheak bones and should pull your hair so people can see your face.

    Get rid of the metal thing in your eye brow, it detracts from your beauty.

    Hvaing read some of your answers you sound like a nice person and that's more important anyway.

  13. You look fine to me - you look friendly :o)

  14. Your beautiful in your own way :D

  15. You spelled "necessary" wrong god damnit.
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