
Am I Scene? More to come... =]?

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First Of All I Just Wanna Start This As... I AM NOT EMO OKAY?<<THERE WEIRD!!!

So basically i love skinny jeans in any colour! <There Greatt! I love bows (so cool) i hate black so dark =[ but i HATE ROCK MUSIC IT DRIVES ME NUTS ITS SOOO SAAAAAAAD MOST OF THE TIME SOME OF IT I LIKE THE TING TINGS TBH I ONLY LIKE ONE SONG OF THERES (thats not my name) i prefer RnB And Some pop the i can dance that confused me to wethere im scene or not. i dont like labeling ppl like scene or goth even though its true i just say individualls ;] so if im not scee then what am i a true individual? Lool So please tell me! Thankss ;] xx




  1. i really don&#039;t think that you are scene.

    because don&#039;t they only listen to rock

    and other forms of it? and also if you

    are pretty much your own thing. witch

    is really a good thing. [: keep it up.

  2. u r no way near scene u r an average person

  3. okay im confused

    your asking if you scene but your saying you dont like labels


    your not scene  

  4. i like skinny jeans too, that doesnt make me emo. haha the emo kids ripped that off of the high fashion world;...


  6. Sorry, but you&#039;re not a scene kid.

    It&#039;s really stereotypical but most scene kids like stuff like black metal, hardcore, metalcore, and screamo, all of which have elements of rock in them. Whereas you listen to Rnb.

    Quite a lot of plastics like skinny jeans, Posh wears them, is she scene? Don&#039;t think so.

    Only certain kinds of bows are scene, these don&#039;t count if they&#039;re normal Claire&#039;s accessories ones. So no, you&#039;re not a scene kid.

  7. You aren&#039;t Scene. Scene is when people go crazy with their hair and make-up. You sound like a normal individual to me don&#039;t worry :]

  8. Nah, more like preppy.

  9. you&#039;re you, you&#039;re two people are the same...

    stereotypes are silly

  10. Liking skinny jeans &amp; bows do NOT make you scene.

    &amp; most scene kids like rock music.

    But it also depends on your hair &amp; clothes.

    So no. You aren&#039;t. Sorry.

  11. u sound like an average dorky prep 2 me. Skinnys r a common fashion staple 4 all girls, therefore its not scene. Bows r cute no matter what ur cheezy label happens 2 b. 2 say u hate black sounds like ur an average prep. Along with the hating rock music, thinking u can dance 2 RnB and pop, etc. So no. U dont sound scene, u dont sound unique ((Lacking individuallity)) U sound like a clone of evry other silly prep girl in the world. HA, 4FR ((4 future reff...)) If u hav 2 ask if ur scene, u probably rnt

  12. No, you&#039;re a poser, that&#039;s what.  

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