
Am I Short? Tall? Average?

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I'm a 16 year old male about to become a Junior in High School. I'm 5'11 and about 155lbs.

Some of my Family History...



Older Brother-5'10




  1. i would say average

  2. a bit above average.  5'8-5'9 is average.

  3. your perfect for you age :)

  4. I would say you are between average and tall right now.  Most males don't stop growing until around 18 or even a few years more than that.  So if you follow in that group, you will be tall.  I personally think that's nice. Appreciate your height.  

  5. You're're 16 and almost 6 feet tall..

  6. wow u go with ur tall self

  7. Im no doctor but id say your about average as within biology thoughs who are 6ft and over are considered tall I believe so, on that i would say you are average height, but as i said im no doctor but probably a bit over average boarding

  8. medium heighy for my family all the guys are over 6' 4"

  9. normal...its in ur genes to be a little more tall...but your all goo. its even with yor weight. now if your 5`11 and 95 pounds , DOCTOR TIME!!!!!! lol  

  10. You are tall for your age, or at least a very good size. And at 16, you might still have another growth spurt in you.

  11. average

  12. ooo yea u r tall for 16 but you kno i am 13 and i am 5'6 and a half and i am pretty tall for my age

  13. Much taller than average for your age.

  14. You're tall- my brother's the same height b/ he's 18. That's a great height b/c girls love a guy who's tall, especially taller than them. I bet you're gorgeous! And that's average tall, btw: )

  15. tall. what kinds of fuckstupid question is this?

  16. Tall

  17. I would say you are tall.  Being only 16 and being the tallest person in your family would mean your tall.  You may keep growing or you may stop never know.  

  18. dont wory your about average maybe 2 3 inches short no sweat youl grow! ^-^

  19. between average, and tall, but closer to tall

    plz answer

  20. tall but talls s**y anyway so it doesnt matter.

  21. your deffinately not small .. 5'11 is jus above average .. so its a good tall lol

    (please help with my question)

  22. Tall.  Since your dad's shorter than you, and your brother is also, you go outta your family's range.  Plus, the average 16 year old male in general is about 5'8".

  23. Well, it's hard to say.

    You're probably quite tall for you're age, but you're normal judging by your family history, as you're Mom was quite tall, so you probably got your height from her.

    5' 10'' is the average height for a fully grown male, so as you are still growing, you will probably be pretty tall when your fully grown, maybe getting into the 6' area.

    A good way to tell whether your short, tall or average is by looking at other kids your age, this usually gives you a pretty good idea.

  24. You're somewhat average maybe just a tad shorter than most high school boys.

  25. well i guess avg sized to me...a bit thin for ur height but that doesnt matter since u are so young...ul gain a bit as u get older.

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