
Am I Soon Going To Get My Period..? GIRLS <span title="ONLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?">ONLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...</span>

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Ok so i think that i've made it clear that only girls should be reading this. or answering at least haha. but i was wondering if i'm soon going to get my period?

today after school i felt really gassy

and i got a little bloated

a few days ago i started breaking out

and im really tired right now

it's only 10 where i live right now

and usually i'm only tired at like 1 a.m.

i have all of the other signs of puberty

so i was wondering if i'm gonna get my

period soon.

should i bring tampons and such

to school tomorrow?




  1. If you are old enough to get your period, you should be carrying around an emergency supply.  Tampons are not good to start with.

  2. It def. sounds like your going to get your period! At first i wouldn&#039;t use tampons use pads i know it sound like ew i&#039;ve got to wear those but they are better then tampons your first few periods! Trust me i was 11 when i started mine and tried tampons and it wasn&#039;t fun so i used pads and still used pads up until about 17 and to this day (i&#039;m 21) i every once in a while use a pad! But it def. sounds like your about to start and dont be scared its a part of life! It means your becoming a women! Best of luck to you!  

  3. Ello ther!

    anyways, you can never tell exactly when youre going to start your period. Trust me, i got mine at 15, and thot id get it starting at 13...

    However, theres always that possiblity...and along with that comes worrying...

    If you worry about having it at skool, the best thing to do is bring a pad (not a tampon...just becaue if you have a pad, its easier to figure out if you have a heavy, moderate or light flow...which ultimately makes it easier to choose what absorbency is best for u--dont was TSS!!! google it for what it is)

    Alll in all, bringing a pad or whatever to skool sounds good. You can never be too if ur period does start when you dont have a pad etc, then dont worry...stuff your uderwear with toilet paper until you find one!

    Have fun at skool and dont worry bout it! let it happen when it happens...just make sure youre ready!



  4. you very well could be. those are some of the symptoms. you should deffinatelly be prepared and bring all that you need to to school tomorrow. you don&#039;t wanna be caught without it.  

  5. You are the right age to be getting it for the first time.  It is a possibility.  Make sure you have sanitary supplies with you.  I agree with the other girls that you should have supplies with you but tampons should come later when you have had it a couple of times.  

  6. ya but start with pads first

  7. definately thats exactly the same as i felt when i got my period i was in 6th grade. you should get some pads and wear them. you dont have to change your pad if your not bleeding so you wont be wasting much only one a day. and it can save you alot of embarrasment such as bleeding through your pants in class!

    another thing is ask your mother when she got hers or if you have older sisters is common for you to get it around the same time.

  8. if you&#039;re going to get your period, which it does sound like, do NOT use tampons right away

    your hymen could still be closed and you&#039;re probably going to be a little &#039;tight&#039;

    use pads at first, tampons are terribly uncomfortable the first time you put them in, and will probably be worse if you use them the first time

    plus the first two times periods are very light, VERY light. so just bring panty liners and if you feel the need, bring a regular pad

    you&#039;ll be good to go :]

  9. I don&#039;t remember feeling anything before my period started the first time. You&#039;re a lucky girl to be 13 and not have your period yet. I was 11 when mine started. It&#039;s been 16 years of joy. :-) All those things are puberty but that doesn&#039;t necessarily mean you are going to start your period. You might but you might not. It&#039;s never a bad idea to have tampons with you though.

  10. I&#039;d buy tampons and pads just to be safe, since you&#039;ll probably be getting it fairly soon if you&#039;re of the age. I had my first period at the age of eight, and I bet you&#039;re older than that.

    Be prepared. You&#039;ll know when you start getting back cramps and cramps in the abdomen.

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