
Am I Spanish.......?

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My mom and I have been arguing over the fact of whether or not i'm spanish. Here's the story according to her: Spain invaded ireland and procreated with women. It was illegal, so therefore it wasn't documented. My aunt Helen looked spanish, she came from ireland to the US with my great grandmother in 1916. From there, my greatgrandmother settled down here, etc. had her daughter, my grandmother, who married a french man and had my mother and her sister, my aunt maura. My aunt maura is darker skinned with dark eyes and curly hair, but I'm just saying it's the french. I'm more french looking, but would you say i'm spanish, or no? I say I'm not, she begs to differ. What do you think?




  1. Well obviously ur background is not 100% Spanish but according to ur story u r obviously one-fourth Spanish.  Pretty cool.

  2. Your maybe a tiny bit Spanish but don't go around saying your Spanish if you really don't know. "Spain invaded Ireland and procreated with women. It was illegal, so therefore it wasn't documented." This statement is like a soft cover for what really happened. The Spanish that invaded Ireland probably raped the women there after they took over a village or town and it was not documented well because the people who took it over (Spanish) weren't going to document that they pillaged the city and raped the women there. That doesn't sound nice so they put it differently.

  3. Please don't be offended by this... if US citizens love their country so much as they claim, why are they always trying to be something else other than American ?  

  4. i dont know.. are you?

  5. i wish i could help you on that one. i'm spanish though...but by a very high percentage

  6. For starters Spaniards can be quite fair complected and can have blond or red hair even though they're often stereotyped as being dark.  As far as I know it was never illegal for a an Irish person to marry a Spaniard, in fact the Irish and the Spanish were allies at one point in history and fought together against the English who were Spain's biggest rivals at the time. The Spanish and Irish even share a common Celtic heritage and it is theorized that the Celtic people of Ireland originally migrated north from Spain where many ancient Celts had settled.  The ancient Celts were a dark haired Indo-European people that settled throughout Western Europe including Spain, France and Northern Italy before making their way to the British Isles. The red hair that is commonly associated with the Irish is actually due to Viking invasions.  There is a belief that the "Black Irish" (dark hair and eyes, not skin) are descended from shipwrecked Spanish sailors who made their way to the Irish coast after the battle of the Spanish Armada but this story is mostly (but not entirely) a myth. Sorry if this doesn't actually answer your question but  hopefully you found the information useful.
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