
Am I Underweight/Small for my age? <-<;?

by  |  earlier

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I turned 14 about a month ago, I'm 5'2" and 6st 10lbs which is....I think, 94lbs. In your personal opinions, and in a medical sense?




  1. Your not too thin but you are small do not try to fill up yourself you will fill out, if you eat like tons of junk food to gain weight it&#039;s not going to affect you now but it will later.

  2. If you are just naturally small and not starving yourself, it&#039;s probably okay considering your age. Hopefully you will fill out in the next few years.

  3. I don&#039;t see how the previous answer helps at all... I think weight varies a lot when you&#039;re at that age so I wouldn&#039;t worry, you sound about right.

    If you&#039;re concerned the best person to ask is your GP

  4. well it wont hurt u to gain some wait.

    ur a little light for ur gender,age,and height.

    but itsdifferentt for everone.

    if ur that worried about it, see a doctor.

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