
Am I a French citizen? I was born in France to French parents In 1956, then adopted by Americans.?

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I was issued a French passport in 1956. I became a naturalized US citizen in 1959.




  1. you became naturalized US citizen, now you are american.

    poor friend !! lol !!!

  2. You were born French, you became an American citizen and lost your French citizenship on that day. Only people born of foreign parents in France or French parents in a country with 'citizenship by birth' can have dual citizenship, and when they reach 18 they have to chose which one they want to keep.

  3. You may be able to claim your French citizenship back if you have lost it. Contact your local French Consulate and ask what you are supposed to do to get a new French passport.

    The US does not recognize dual citizenship but France does and you were born in France to French parents. Since you were only 3 when you became American, you did NOT reject your French citizenship (and even if you had, there are many circumstances under which people can claim it back. It would really help if you know your biological family in France or try to get back in touch with your French relatives). Adults who want to become American have to reject their original citizenship but if their country of origin recognizes dual citizenship, they give them back their passport anyway if the person asks for it.

    I am binational myself and know dozens of people like you.

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