
Am I a Hindu??? Curious and confused!?

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I just answered a question about the meaning of snakes in Hinduism and it got me thinking.... am I a Hindu?

My parents are Hindu and I am of Indian origin. As a child I went to the temple and prayed (and played!) - I enjoyed it. Hindu festivals like Diwali, Navratri and Holi are fun and I still go to celebrate these at the temple or with my family.

The thing is I don't believe in God in the traditional sense and call myself an atheist Hindu! Living in the UK, I've been brought up in a (not very) Christian country. I therefore associate my concept of God with Christian beliefs such as creationism, sons of Gods, virgin births etc. I find these concepts hard to believe, however I know very little about my own culture.

I'm a bit of science geek and love reading about paleoantropology which is essentially the science of evolution. I believe this to be true and that science will progress to answer questions we do not know the answers to now. Anyway, as such I believe in the force of nature, and to me, thats my God! So what I'm saying is I get hope, inspiration and joy from nature just like someone who believes in a traditional God. I try to respect my surroundings as much as possible, and treat people th way I would like to be treated.

My question is, is this compatible with Hinduism or am I just a naturalist?

I don't know about the concept of God in Hinduism but I don't believe Hindu mythology to be the word of god, but then this is a christian/muslim/jew view. I'm confused!




  1. You sound agnostic or deist.

    If you have time google one of the catholic sites on evolution as they find it compatible to certain extents, it's interesting to know God and evolution can exist together.

  2. I've read that Hindus are taught that god is so all-pervasive, that all things are part of God, so your conception seems to fit. I don't think you'd be too out of place in a Hindu temple. You might want to consider contacting a Hindu temple in your area to find out more about it. It might be a good fit for you.

  3. Why not do some research and find out, you seem balanced and educated enough, to be able to do that, I dont think I can answer this one for you, sorry.


  4. If you're not about to blow people up for your beliefs and you're not out trying to convert people than just believe what you believe and let it be. If you must decide whether or not you are this or that then write down the bare minimum of hinduism and christianity and naturalism and compare it to what you believe. Or better yet, write down what you believe (assuming there's no one who's going to read it but you ) and go looking for friends. Maybe you'll just be my 'religion' which is 'meist' meaning I figure it out for myself. we have no group meetings, no secret handshake, no dogma and we always have a population of '1'.

  5. I have a friend/acquaintance who's an ex hindu atheist.

    Religion is supposed to be fun. Use religion, don't let it use you.  

  6. Hello,

    I am also an Indian, who has well versed knowledge in Hinduism. As per your aspects I think you are definitely not an Atheist.

    When you believe something that is God, then you must not an Atheist. Atheism is not a religion but its a godlessness.

    Where coming to your believes and respects to our mother country is very natural. Even I like them though I am pure Christian.

    Our cultural and traditional celebrations are quit interesting because they are with very pomp and show, those are the festivals which brings all together and people enjoy a lot.

    Here I can simply clarify you one thing  that you have good respect towards Hinduism since your parents hailed from it. It also looks like you have faith in christian/muslim/jew. But you don't admit that faith because you did find some concepts in Christianity hard to believe and the things you find outside are natural.

    But I ensure that there are lots and lots of things in Hinduism, which are badly foolish and doesn't make sense though you have respect because you knew very little, you said.

    Hence, you have some good opinion in God, please try to transform yourself to see the greatest feelings in your heart. Something must control and judge your life, why don't you think that is God. Isn't it natural (Supernatural). As on date, there happened many things which shut the mouths of Atheists.

    I finally clarify that you didn't belong to any religion as you don't know about the concept of God in Hinduism and also you don't believe those myths. Also it is very hard for you to believe the concepts in christian/muslim/jew. But you are not an Atheist.

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