Am I a medium?Ya'know, people that can sence things that are going to happen and they do, see "things" in their dreams, etc?Here are some stories.All of the females on my mother's side has it.My mom had a severe pain as soon as the same moment my uncle entered the hospital doors for his appendix. From the time he entered the hospital doors until he left the hospital, she had the pain where your appendix is.Exactly a month before my neighbor died, she had a dream about a veteran who lived in a mint colored house dying in a hospital. That is what happened to my neighbor, he is a veteran, lives in a mint colored house, died in a hospital. My aunt had a dream about a woman in a car crash. She was in a car crash, and survived.My grandma and her mom could see cats meowing around the house she lived in. No cats there. Our family loves cats and we haev always had a cat in the house.I have dreams and they do happen. I had a dream about a cat.Then a week later my aunts cat died Am I a meduim?