
Am I a War Hero Like John McCain?

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In 1968 while valiantly serving my country in the national guard (and avoiding the draft like our president) I was involved in a jeep accident and suffered a broken arm.

McCain was shot down and is now a war hero.

Am I entitled the same status?

Comrade Coleman, War Hero reporting, Sir!




  1. Even I won't go with you on that one, Comrade.  Spending 5-1/2 years in a North Vietnamese prison is no joke.  I know I couldn't have done it.  That experience doesn't make someone qualified to be president, and I won't vote for him for other reasons, but he has my everlasting respect for just surviving the ordeal.

  2. yuh n if i had 5 kidz then i am gong to b your vp

  3. I served in Viet Nam in 1966-67 with the Marine Corps infantry but I'm not a hero, so I don't know why you would think you are.

  4. That depends. Was the jeep accident in a war zone or was it you partying with your whiny liberal brats?

  5. Did you fly 22 missions like McCain.  

  6. ....and you were held hostage in an American hospital and tortured?  

  7. And the "war" part of "hero" was where?

  8. Did you destroy 4 more jeeps before you were injured in the one wreck?

    Then probably not.

  9. You have about the same qualifications as him to be president now. Why aren't you running, man?

  10. Yes, sir!!! You are indeed a War hero.;-)

  11. No, McCain stole valuable bullets from the enemy.

  12. McCain was awarded the CMH. Where's yours? As a veteran myself, I am not denigrating your service to your country in any way. In fact, I honor it. Why would you try to denigrate McCain's service?

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