One of my closest friends that I've known the longest is making me question that.
We're going to be seniors in high school, and when it comes to classes, I'll be the first to admit that I'm not completely reliable. We've had two classes where I had to switch out. The first time was in Grade 10, because a teacher guilted me into taking his class (I was too scared to say no, and I didn't have a valid reason). The second time was my fault. I felt that I didn't need that course, and wanted to take a course for university.
This friend is telling one of her close guy friends (I don't like him at all because he used to insult me, but they're really good friends) about these situations, and saying that she doesn't have to listen to me anymore because I ditched her. I know that's true, and she can switch out of the classes that we have together this year (that's what she's telling this guy), but the way she's going about it make me seem like I intentionally left her.
Am I a bad friend? And what can I do to fix this?