My kids just make me soooooo mad when I am trying to clean or do anything really...I ask them to go watch tv while I fold clothes fast, or cook, or clean the kitchen and its like they have to be up my butt 24/7....I can never get a break....I am so stressed and I just want to scream...well actually we did scream!! lol Alladin is on and they are right here hovering me and I want to run away!!! IDK, maybe I am just cranky but do your kids ever get to you? and no my husband doesn't help..I have absolutely no one who can help me or give me a break and I have a lazy husband that all he does is go to his job...he does nothing to help with the kids and he just adds to the mess and advice would help so that I am not so stressed........I've actually missed my period for 3mo, I'm assuming due to this aggrivation