
Am I a bad teenager?

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I watch p**n behind my parents back. Usually I go to youtube but often I go to spankwire. Is that wrong?




  1. nope. its normal.

  2. pleaseeee,

    half of my guy friends watch p**n & they're only 13


    but the don't careee,

    so,nooopeee your not a bad teenager,

  3. your not a bad teenager but your doing bad things.....their are worse things to do but thats sickening.  

  4. No your not a bad teenager, hey at least your not sexually active. Sheesh teenagers have hormones, like everyone does that, its normal.  

  5. Better than getting some girl knocked up.

    But, it is still lying if your parents don't want you to.

  6. it is better then a lot of things other teens do. Don't worry about it, you are a good teenager!

  7. Nope. I do that sometimes too.

    We're teens! We're coming of age!

    We're curious!


  8. Do you mean Redtube ?

    because I don't think youtube would allow that ...

    You aren't a bad teenager though ,

    lots of kids and teens are interested in that ,

    tons watch it .

  9. Because I'm a girl I find p**n very offensive. But, do whatever you want to do.... however I'd tell your parents because losing your parents trust sucks, believe me.

  10. you bad boy!!!

  11. no boys have those feelings

  12. youtube doesn't allow that type of stuff?

    but anyways no it's not that bad

    i've heard of people doing worst things

  13. thats grosssssss!did you know thats a sin and if you keep doing that YOU WILL GO TO h**l!

  14. no your not a bad teenager but if you feel bad doing it then maybe you need to stop it  

  15. maybe a little sick at your age but im a girl

    help me;...

  16. I think you know the answer to that yourself.

    But a little exploring and experimenting won't hurt.

  17. What, have nothing better to do?

    I know for a fact that they DON'T have p**n on youtube darling.

    Go read a book and enrich your brain.

  18. no, thts average

    don't get ridiculous with it, like watch it everyday cause it can become an addiction

  19. I think the fact that you are asking this question says yes.

    Most of us have a conscience that lets us know what is right or wrong, you don`t need me to verify whats it is telling you and you don`t need anyone else here to tell you that it isn`t.

  20. no i do it all the time lol its fun x*x

    please answer mine

  21. There's a reason why they are 18+...

    Well, I guess it's wrong. But come on- almost everyone did it at least curiosity
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