
Am I a cool Hip Hop Guy/ Ghetto? People Keep Saying Im not. Why?

by Guest62318  |  earlier

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1.I do act ghetto, dress up like in the hip hop clothing style, like oversize T-Shirts of Avirex and Ecko. unlimited. I wear a lot of chains, rings, and a Du rag. I also wear baggy Jeans, matching my shirt and my Fitted Cap. I change my clothes eveyday, and wear each clothe twice in 3 months. I wear Nike air and Jordan as my shoes.

2. Regardless, my clothing style, Im a really good student, getting Straight A's. Being nice to people, which means, i am alwas being amiable person. . Always have a Attitude like "Laugh it off, the matter is not that serious" My freinds says, that's the problem. WHY?

3. Also, don't forget im too much into hip hop. I like every rappers, and make freestyles of my own. ^_^

So can anybody, help me with the following reason. thanks.




  1. Keep doing what you're doing. Keep up with your grades and don't worry about what other people think.

    I spent my high school years trying to be cool and now all of the things I based my life on are a thing of the past and I'm broke as ****.

  2. ghetto is living in a run down area, being c**p at everything apart from music (and even then some are just dreaming) dealing and dropping outta school and causing fights.

    you dont do that, and dont EVER do that, those people no matter how 'cool' they are when your 50 living in a nice house with a good job and a family and they are living on the streets or dead...then its no mistake whos really 'cool'.

    stay in school keep your grades up, and continue being nice to people, it will get you further than mugging people.

    trust me someone will respond better to you being polite, than when you stick a knife to their throat.

    and all those suckers dealing and robbing to pay for their home or for studio time, their idiots, if you keep your grades up you can get a really good job and have all that money in one month! without any bad marks on your police record!.

  3. Don t care about people say if you do all of the things that you talking about you in hip hop more than 50 Cent take it easy.

    Don't let friends tell you what is Right and what is Wrong.

    Take care

    HOp to see you on TV on DAY

  4. Whether one is cool or not is determined by the one "viewing the question". So if you think you're cool, no one else's opinion should matter. Do your own thing, live life on your own terms, that's the only way to live one's life, as far as I'm concerned.

    No one can say that you've been "slacking off" since you get straight A's, and have a happy disposition in life. If they have a problem with who you are and what you do, then it's THEIR problem, not yours. Make a rap about them having worry lines, that should shut them up.

    Keep the fires of individual expression alive. Live your life, be free!

  5. Doing your own thing is cool... but trying to earn a label is not. You sound like a cool guy, just go by your own name.

  6. Cool people don't need other people to tell them they're cool. Why? Because they believe in themselves, and they're not gonna let other people try to put them down. Don't worry about what your friends say. Just be yourself.

  7. Just be yourself, wear what you like, listen to music you like... who cares what everyone else thinks.

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