
Am I a flop flopper?

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early on in the campaign, I was all for mc cain, but after hearing his bomb Iran remarks, I switched my support to obama.

but lately I find that obama fumbles to many times with his answers as if he does not realy know his stuff.

now I am considering voting for Paris Hilton, I have always had the hots for her.

am I a flip flopper?




  1. Hey, did you like Obama's solution to the high fuel prices? Let's have everybody inflate their tires! Yeah that'll solve the problem! And believe me, Paris Hilton would make as good a president as Obama.  

  2. Paris hey? Yes I had heard on the international news, on BBC (British Broadcasting Corporation and the channel middle classes prefer, because its better quality. Ahem! ) that Ms Hilton was joining the race, albeit tongue in cheek. Well, stranger things have happened.

    Perhaps we should have Hugh Grant as our next prime minister. He would probably do a far better job than Gordon Brown. Hmmmm....  :-)  

  3. No but if you are considering voting for here then I consider  you an idiot.

  4. Paris Hilton would be a much better president than either of the two bozos who are in the lead.

  5. yes you could get employment working a grill

  6. Let's see, do you mean  a flop flopper or flip flopper?

    You're certainly making this job difficult. But, then I'm a good sport.

    1.  You are closer to being a flip flopper because you are changing from McCain, to Obama to Paris Hilton.  (reversal).

    2.  I don't think you a flop flopper in this case, anyhow. This would be for somone who is tired and want to go bed . . . with  a thud.  But, then if you are bouncing or swinging between the three, then that fits your scenario,

  7. Yes!

  8. You say you were a supporter of Obama and have the "hots" for Paris Hilton.

    Stick with Obama, he needs you.

  9. I think people are tired of not knowing who and what is actualy running the goverment mostly its big bussiness.Wouldnt it be nice if we had a person in the office that wasnt run by others but actualy run the office with just there own conscience and soul thats if it was a good one in there or out there .

  10. You'll have a heart attack having the hots at your age.

    I'm not American but I am very concerned about the poor choice of candidates for this election.

    Whoever runs America does affect the rest of the world.

  11. Wait till the convention, maybe Hillary will be an option for you.

  12. Right On, Paris for Pres, Britney Spears for VeePee.! hot Duo and certainly better than the Flim Flam Obama Scam Man!

  13. "Scrooge" you're one of those people I usually read and this time I have to disagree with you.  On the other hand, I have two sons and I can sense what your point of view, regarding Ms. Hilton, is.......LOL
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