
Am I a ghost magnet?

by  |  earlier

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Ever since I was about 8(14now) I've been hearing my name being called out to me no matter where I am, but I have to be alone or in a practically empty hall. At my current home when I'm alone and its after 6 I will hear a pattering sound in the attic and think its my cats, but they are always near me and we DON'T have rats. If I check it out I'll get acold feeling going up the steps and then I hear walking in the living room. Sometimes on hazy days when I walk to the bus stop before school I would see a soldier standing, always in the same spot, and he'll nod at me, smile or salute me. The weird thing is I get this urge to nod at him and I've even found myself saying "Mornin' Sarge." Then he's gone! Another thing is sometimes I'll turn around and this older woman will just vanish as if she was following. I think she is my long dead grandmother. I've even snapped photos of empty rooms and such and something else will appear. Look I really need to know. Pleas sare and help me out.




  1. Wow, that's pretty cool. I guess you are a "ghost magnet". This is nothing to be scared of. It actually sounds like you have had a ghost in your house from when you were very young and since then you have become very open to them, which is why you are able to see them.

    It makes sense, which are you going to go to, someone who is closed off or someone who is open? They are just coming to the open person.

    It's a gift, not everyone can see them.  If you feel safe, try talking to them, ask the soldier his name or where he was stationed, or why he is here. Tell the woman (without turning around) that you know she is there and ask why she is following you.

    If you do not feel safe start wearing a symbol of your religion (whatever religion that may be) and quote a Holy quote when you do not feel safe. If you are not religious, there are psychic ways to protect yourself, psi shields and such. If you want any info, e-mail me :)

    Treasure your gift, because it truly is a gift.

  2. I think I used to be one..only I didn't see them. You might as well  get used to it. I doubt you need to do anything.Maybe you SHOULD speak back to the soldier..maybe even salute him and see if he does anything. If he does..then maybe that means he really sees you. If he doesn't ...then he might just be  an imprint...or whatever they call it...just a replay of the past. Seems like if you attract bad could call on some good spirits to help you...since it's a spiritual thing.

  3. Hi Brittney,

    Ideal thing to investigate.  

    For example, bring a camera or even a mobile phone with you and try to record some image or sound from the soldier.

    Bring some friends with you and see if they can see or hear what you do.


  4. wow thats either freaky or awsome i would love to have that but not but um maybe seek profesional help maby clarvoint

  5. Check out James Van Praagh's website they have a chat there with like minded people that you can help you and talk with you about what is going on for you. Sounds like you have mediumistic abilities.  PlEASE be careful who you tell about this.  Not everyone understands this thing and it frightens them.  You're so young just be careful.  The chat is free and anonymous it might be of help to you if you have questions.

  6. no such things as ghost. u constantly think that ur a ghost magnet and that someones calls ur name, well ur brain will start to believe it

  7. I advise you not to get involved with spirits.  Ask some religious person to guide you.  You can pray for the persons concerned if you think that you are having contact with the spirits of the dead but do not try to contact them.  Pray to God to help you and deliver you from such experiences.

  8. Have you shared your experiences with a loved one?  If so, what do they think?  Here is a few things that you can do in order to help you to find out....take a friend and go to a quiet spot in the house that you have seen or witnessed things before.  Let your friend use a video camera and a still camera to take photos of you as you see these images.  If would be fine if you wanted to audio recordings as well.  This might not work the first few times that you try it, but if you are sensitive, there will be evidence on film of it .  You can do this on your own if you would be more comfortable, it would be easier done if someone else was holding the camera.

  9. I don't know about the woman. But I think you had a past life with the Sergeant or something, and that's why you said "Mornin' Sarge." I wouldn't call you a "Ghost magnet." Because you'd have to attract more than two spirits. The part about your name being called is probably one of the other two spirits you just talked about.
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