
Am I a klepto? Has anyone else ever done this?

by  |  earlier

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Okay, so I have a confession to make ( just between the you and me). Whenever I am depressed or feeling anxiety, or upset. I steal things. Little things that don't mean anything. Never from family(I love them) and not from stores (too afraid I'd get caught) but I take little things from work, or if I'm visiting someone I don't particularly like, I may take something. Also at Dr's office. I'm quite good at it and have never been caught. It's usually something completely worthless. Like a bottle of tylenol out of the med cabinet. Or ink pens, or a jacket someone may have hung up and isn't watching. I've stolen car keys before and thrown them in the trash, just to mess up someones day. Yes, I know it's illegal and wrong but the pay off is worth it for me. Esp. if I don't like the person. My question is do I have a mental disorder? Can it be treated? I am actually pretty shy and non-confrontational. Somehow this gives me power.P.S.I have never stolen money. It's too obvious.




  1. yes you are sick and u need to seek help. you have pleasure at other people's misfortunes. put urself in their shoes. how would you feel like if a guy makes you fall in love with him then scR*ws you and just leave u just like that. you have to have respect for other people's belongings

  2. So thats were my keys went!

    You stupid little twisted *****!

    I'll get you for this!


  3. You just seem like a vindictive person.

  4. "I steal things. Little things that don't mean anything... I've stolen car keys before and thrown them in the trash, just to mess up someones day."

    That was probably the best example of many that you provided yourself of things that you take that really DO mean something. I'd put this in the same category as the bully at school who picks on other kids because Dad puts him down at home or something didn't go his way, and he immaturely takes it out on someone else rather then dealing with situations like an adult.

    I don't think you're a Klepto, as far as I understand, Kleptomaniacs steal just bc they like the thrill of stealing.

    You steal to curb your own feelings, and pass your frustrations on to someone else.

    You need to talk to someone, even just a friend. Get those feelings out and about and handle this.

    Take care.

  5. yes this is passive agression and you need to talk to a professional also if you do something antisocial and cant stop thats the very definition of insanity not fitting into the group is insanity or trying the same thing over and over expecting a differant result or you are getting a thrill from base low behavior and it shows a lack of home training or character  no standards of behavior you are leaving clues around every where and will get caught which could be the thing you want to have folkes see you in a differant light the only problem is the light seems dim in jail  

  6. your a thief.  plain and simple.  Call yourself a klepto if that makes your consciousness feel better, so you can sleep better.  But the stuff you steal, people worked hard for.  When you get a caught, and you will, hopefully you will be sent to jail and locked up with thieves like yourself and rapist, murders, baby killers, etc....  Best of luck.

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