
Am I a liberal? Serious question.. ?

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I'm registered as an independent, and I'm a fiscal conservative.

I work in the corporate world and make a good deal of income but would surely like to pay less to the government.

I'm also agnostic and don't have a problem with g*y's marrying or a woman's right to choose.

I'm totally cool with guns, heck carry a loaded one if you want, but be sure I'll do the same.

I am also for the legalization of marijuana and the end to the ridiculous war on drugs that has never worked.

I also know corporations are running this country vs the people as it was intended.

I feel George Bush has made a mockery of this country. Our debt and the money we spend on the war machine is absolutely disgusting.

I think McCain is just another DC insider has been.. I would never vote for him, and his recent decisions reinforced it.

If you think McCain is totally the wrong person for this country.. does that make you a liberal? Ron Paul sure seemed to be on to something.

Am I a liberal?




  1. You are certainly not a liberal, you are a Libertarian.

  2. I agree...Libertarian. :)  

  3. No, you're not a liberal.

    Just another uneducated idiot who has believed what the media has told him.

    Ron Paul never had a chance.... he's a joke. He's also a libertarian.

  4. You sound like a Libertarian.  Check them out and decide for yourself.


    The LP is routinely on the ballot in at least 48 states.  I'm including a link to their candidate, Bob Barr.  Oh, and I routinely get called a welfare worshipping liberal myself.  When people aren't calling me a disgusting greedy neo-con.  On this forum if you're not black you're white.  Shades of grey are not permitted.

  5. when you say fiscal conservative you may have to explain

    the 10 billion dollars we spend a month on war is barely mentioned, not to mention the huge deficit

  6. Don't put yourself in a box.  Your views are pretty moderate and reasonable.  Why label yourself?  Why limit yourself?  I am a decline-to-state, because I don't want to receive any propaganda from any party and I have views that by themselves fall in different ideological groups.  I agree with Liberals on most things, but also agree with Conservatives on some things.

    I would say to stay a rationalist, and not desire to "belong" to any certain ideology.

  7. Yup, you are a liberal.  The only place your conservative is guns and money.  Even most liberals are against paying more taxes themselves.  

  8. You vote for the Libertarian Candidate ..  Senator Bob Barr is running for President.  

    Ron Paul was running as  Republican

  9. You sound like a libertarian to me.

  10. Welcome to the center. This is where most of us live in reality, and we get all but ignored by the hard liners on both sides of the isle. I feel the same way, but i also support a strong military, and i'm not so liberal when it comes to abortion, but basically i'm with you. i just wish there was someone out there who we could vote for.

  11. I would say you are more liberal than conservative.  

  12. I'm also a conservative libertarian, but unlike you, I'm not wasting my vote and taking the chances of placing a screaming socialist into office (Obama).  So if you believe in what you say you believe in, go ahead and waste yours because a vote for your candidate is a vote of Obama the way I see it.

    Additionally, if you are who you say you are, you've apparently not checked out the real Sarah Palin and not what the press is telling you.  Here is an excellent article, written specifically for us libertarians and frankly, I'm highly impressed, much more so with her than I am with McCain.

  13. Libertarian

  14. You are a classical liberal. Do not confuse liberalism with Left Wing politics. They are in direct opposition to each other.

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