
Am I a loser?

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Ok, here's the thing. I am 19, and I am going to community college, I have 4 jobs (Sub noon time aid at a school, I advertise sales for verizon wireless on weekends, I babysit, and I clean house for a family friend). I am working on getting my license (I have my permit) and.... I still live at home. I can't shake this feeling that I am a total loser, because I am 19, and still live with my parents. So, what is your view on this? Am I?

please give honest answers. Thanks.




  1. You sound amazin!!!!!!!!!

    You are working four jobs and going to school wow I aplaud you! Who cares if you dont have your liscense and if you live at your parents house.

    I know a 47 year old still lives with his mom doesnt have a job and muches off of my dad  and the government for everything he is ridiculous. You however sound amazin really nice job i mean really!

  2. So, doing great with your life makes you a loser? Keep doing what you are doing now finish school first, then move on your own. Save all the money you can from  all of your jobs. you are not a loser, I wish I had such discipline at 19, great job and keep up the good work,

  3. I don't think you are, you're working on making your life better with all those jobs and going to community college. You're working to make it in the world.

  4. Nope. You are certainly motivated, so everything will happen in good time. Congrats on not being a jobless slug that sits in front of the TV all day!!!

  5. i think u need to make enough money to like get a place of ur own util then it is fine to live with ur parents

  6. Um, I'm planning on living with my parents until I get out of college... And I'm like, the COOLEST EVER!!!! so no.

  7. Eh dont worry about it, I didnt move out till i was 21 ... don't worry, youll move out someday.

  8. That doesnt make you a loser.

    I know a guy who doesnt have a job, post poned uni and sat at the computer playing WoW all day until he was 21.

  9. You don't sound like a loser to me. You have a job and seem to have a great work ethic and you're getting an education. I am 20, and all the people I graduated with are still living with their parents. I don't live with mine. I own my own house, however I live right beside my parents. And if I could I will still live with my mother, I just cant stand her.

  10. of course your not!! your working four jobs and really trying hard. your just 19 give yourself a break, my sister is 21 and she repeat 1st year college 3 times. and she do not have any job, thats a loser.

    besides you are not just laying back and doing nothing, your studying and doing four jobs at once, other students can't do that.

  11. sound like a hard worker,not a loser

  12. not at all, not only are you going to school, you're working a lot to help pay for it. that's not a loser, thats a hard worker. good luck with everything :D

  13. if all is true you sound motivated enough, I moved out at 18 only b/c I couldnt stand living with my parents anymore. I think your fine

  14. Don't even trip.  I'm 16, and my 27 year old sister still lives at home.

    Kudos for you for being motivated.  At least you are working a lot and trying to get your license

  15. no, you are not a loser,i don,t expect a 19 year old to have his/her own house,its not like your sitting at home doing nothing ,you are going to college and thats good,and you work so i take it that you don,t depend on your parents for money,you are not a loser,by the time your 25 you should have your own house by have a bright future ahead, just lift your head and hold it up high darling, you are no loser.


  17. I have two jobs, go to a State school and am 21 living at home. Does that make me a loser? Nope, that makes me smart...i live for free and save my money for when I'm good and ready to leave. Living at home is not a bad thing, it's all how you look at it. The first year my friends moved away and went to college and had stories about their wild parties and such i was so jealous....but as the time went on I realized each of us did what suited us best. Now, i'm happy I made the decision to stay home.

  18. You aren't a loser until you are 29 and living with your parents. Seriously, you're fine.

  19. You would be a loser living with your parents only if you just did nothing all day!!a total BUM!

    But, your  your in college and have like 4 jobs!

    dude that great ;)

    My parents said they'd support me only if i go to College.

  20. not a loser.  But if you really want to get out, then just start saving your money.  Get a savings account at the bank.

  21. Dude - What I see is responsibility.  All of the privileged idiots may call you a loser, but do you care if an idiot calls you a loser?

    Honestly, our society needs more people like you.

    Keep living at home and SAVE YOUR MONEY.  Build it up and then you can get started on your own eventually the right way.

    You are making an investment in yourself right now and it will pay off in the future - just give it TIME.

    Keep it up!

  22. No, you're not. You'd be a loser if you had no job(s) or education. Some people just need to live in their parents house more than some, it's totally normal!

  23. i dont think your a loser.

    you have to many things in your life to focus on to have the time to own a house on your own.

  24. i'm planning on living with my parent's until i'm through cousin who's 28 lives with his doesn't mean ur a means ur being smart and saving up money now so u can buy a house in the future.

  25. Well i wouldn't say "loser"...but maybe you just need to start saving up some money then move's not that big of a deal.

    x D

  26. h**l no ! You are not a Loser ! But a Winner in my Book. A loser is someone that just refuses to Work in general with only one Job. You have 4 and go to School.

    I didn't move out of my Parents House until I was 22. Not because I was a Loser but I really wanted to make sure I was financially stable. So that I wasn't coming back to move in.

  27. Nobody is a loser in this life

    God put you here for a reason, and he has a plan for you so keep calm and let him work his miracle    


  28. you are not a loser! you are at least working really hard,which is not something losers do.besides,i know somebody whos 21 and still lives at home.

  29. loser?? not hardly.  you ar working very hard, and that shows a lot of maturity.  Maybe it's time to take he next step and be responible on your own.  It's scary at first, but you will get used to it.  Your priorities are aligned very well, and some lucky girl is going to let you chase her until she catches you

  30. Nope !:D

  31. Nope! I'm 18, living at home, and going to a private university to save money right now. I feel good about the situation because I will have a great start later in life by living at home and saving money now. Being smart does not make you a loser! =]
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