
Am I a naturally good swimmer? Should I take it further?

by Guest62919  |  earlier

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Sorry to sound kinda arrogant in my question but:

I swim about once a month for about half an hour

I have always been 'good' in the water, for example small things like being able to hold my breath for agesss.

For 25 m freestyle, I have recently swam it in 16s

The month before it was 17s and 18s etc etc

It seems to knock off about a second each time even though I do absolutely no swimming inbetween!!!

I don't understand... but anyway do you think I should join a swimming club or something??? If so, could you recommend any in the London area, btw I'm 15.




  1. Yes, definately. Swimming is a great sport, it builds up your muscles. Anyway, it's a good thing you can hold your breath for very long, it means you've got strong lungs. That's about my only problem. Everytime at swim practice my coach always makes me do 25 m butterfly kicks, no breathing. And we do hypo a lot, like we breathe every 15 strokes for freestyle. You'll find that in freestyle the less you breathe the faster you are.  So being able to hold your breath for so long is a very good sign. And although you're 15 it is never too late. I'm sure you'll catch up to the other swimmers soon enough and beat them with some pro. coaching. Unfourtunately I live in USA so I have no idea of swim clubs in London but usually you'll find swim teams in your local pool etc. Just ask the reception next time you go to the pool if there are any swim teams they know of in the area. Or you could just google it say "swim team London" or try other key words. You'll definately not be dissapointed as I am sure in a big city such as london there are definatly loads of swim teams.

    Good luck with your swimming! But bear in mind, once you start training in a team you'll be working much much harder than you are now. If you plan to take swimming seriously you'll need to train at least 4 days a week for 2 hrs. Or 1 hr if you're just starting. At my team we swim for 4 hrs. 2 in the morning, 2 in the night. And training is extremely hard and more and more challenging by the day.

  2. duh u should continue/take it further, ur even better than me!

  3. yeah thats really good. ur swimming a 25 free in a really good time. some of the best swimmers on my team swim a 16 sec 25 free

  4. Well, you don't even swim. You only swim once a month or so. You have no idea how hard swimming really is. I think that it is one of the hardest sports out there. So, unless you are willing to sacrifice a lot of time and work really hard, and get serious, I wouldn't join. Or else, you will just quit sooner or later. It would just be a waste of time.

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