
Am I a neo-n**i? I can't tell for sure....?

by Guest66529  |  earlier

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Ok I have been wondering this for a while.

I support the idea of a singular master race, I support having them isolated from the rest of the world to avoid contamination, and I think that Hitler is an amazing man (read below before you judge).

I do not in any way support the following:

Killing of the Jews or or "corrupted" peoples.

I don't support Hitler's way of trying to complete his goal.

I don't support the n**i system of government.

I basically don't support all the stupid hatefull c**p that they did/ do/ stand for, ect.

But still, sigle race of people solely purebred, and possibly smarted/faster/ stronger? Sounds ok to me.




  1. Yes I believe so

    A neo-n**i

    believes in the singular master race

    but that doesn't mean they would do what Hitler does to achieve it.

    but honestly I do wonder how do you plan on achieving this goal then of one race?

    I also think you should take into fact how purebred is often achieved.

    If you were too make people breed with only there race Eventually you have to know that inbreeding could happen.

    Inbreeding would cause mutations and health would get worse not stronger.

    Look at purebred animals.

    They are more likely to get sick.

    Often a lot have to go to vets

    unlike mutts who are able to live without needing to see a vet.

    (the animals is just an example)

    There is no race that is smarter/faster/stronger.

    What if someone decided that their race unlike yours was better.

    Maybe someone believes the black or Mexican race is the best and will eliminate white and everyone else.

    Then would you still be okay with a superior race?

    Or what if it was the whites but you were not white.

    Hello world war 3

    or Another holocaust.

    If you think you want a superior race

    the best way for it too be achieved is not by one race alone

    but by mixing of other races.

    It creates new types which wouldn't be as easily achieved with only one race.

    too be honest though too me a neo-n**i

    seems like

    Same ole c**p, different wrapper.

  2. However nice way you put it n**i, n**i, n**i

  3. No you are just racist like most people. Most people believe their race is the best

  4. Does it matter? You're still a racist. Anyway, if you don't support n**i ideals then of course you aren't a new n**i.

    You do realize that the human gene pool is so polluted that everyone is pretty much related to each other.

  5. uh i guess youre just a racist buddy, how admirable :)

  6. have U taken meds 2day ? lol  NO, son, you're just young & confused !

  7. here ya go.

    those that mix choose to and those that support a master race segregate themselves anyway.  you don't have to hate to feel this way, but this is where it begins.

    and blue blood is often more contaminated than mixed blood in any mammalian family.  that's why you can only breed dogs so many times.  and mutts are usually smarter that interbred dogs.  i can surmise that it would be the same for humans.  especially in our imperfect state.  at one time, it wasn't dangerous to breed within your family lines.  now it's so dangerous, it's illegal.  the majority think it's just 'yucky', but it's actually perilous.  

    and i think it's ironic that you wrote smarted rather than smarter.  sorry, my kindness only extends to a point.

    i'll give you a star, though.  you'll need the lift after all the name calling you'll be getting.

  8. I wouldn't call you a n**i.

    How would you achieve your goal though? marry only with your race? some people do that but some people call it racism.

    I think as long as your a good person and you do not discriminate anybody that is not like you it may pass, but who am I to say?

    I'm looking forward to see other answers on this

    I agree with Franky

  9. It really doesn't matter don't lower your point of view on life to a insignificant thing as "race" its a lie! your life is ever ending every moment and if you focus your life on this what life will you have? no life at all but one bent on yourself a favor and stop caring about this. its all bs we are all guilty anyway no matter what race, all i know is soon we will all be dead before we know it. so just be happy and stop giving a ****.

  10. Unfortunately your hopes of having a singular master race would most likely not include yourself.  If it's a race of people solely purebred and hoping to be the smartest, fastest and strongest...well then I'd definitely think over that plan quickly.  Anyone who would try to make others their inferiors based on race is automatically stupid and pathetic...which already takes them off the "smartest" list. And I'm assuming you think caucasian would be the master race, right??

    Please get over yourself.  Try to think hard about how this would ever work. It wouldn't.  I would love to see people who think like you do sent to their own island to try and survive. Plus if you were isolated from everyone else...wouldn't that defeat your whole "master race" title.  You'd just be a bunch of white people trying to find people who you're not related to, to mate with. LAME!!

  11. no you're not a neo-n**i or racist, youre just a free thinker.

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