
Am I a nerd for watching C-Span History?

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That's all i watch on tv most of the time, and it airs re-runs of programs of guestspeakers and shows al the time I watch it in the evenings. Like right now David Halberstam talking about the Vietnam war, originally taped 3/10/06 and before this was an interview on the Vietnam War by some book authors, both of which I had watched 2 times before. I'm in my early 30's - shouldn't I be watching MTV or some reality show instead? Does this mean I'm a nerd? If someone comes over I turn on "cool" stuff and my friends don't know this about me, cuz I come across cool in dress and stuff but wonder if I am fooling myself and them.




  1. A diversified eduction is the best.  HC and MTV... it means you want to learn.  Thats good.  Keep and open mind. Explore all educational avenues and... don't forget the public library is a good place to learn history and music along with believe it or not... the internet.  Try Yahoo.

  2. you're a nerd if you're super smart and this stuff is intriguing to you. but if you watch mtv, you're mildly retarded.

  3. Nope!  It's just a preference.  Obviously you like history.  I like history too, and I think it beats junky sitcoms and reality programming any day o the week.  You shouldn't have to feel ashamed to put on any type of programming when your friends are around.  They're guests in YOUR house--if they want to judge you, make them do it outside... beyond your lawn :D

    In all seriousness though, a good host will make her guests feel at home.  They should always be given the choice (or at least a say) in what programming is aired.  

    It's not healthy to hide your interests, especially if you wish to keep them as friends

  4. no, you are only a person that is doing what they like.  labels on oneself or others is not necessary.  plus, what counts is what you think, not what someone else thinks.  be yourself!!   someone told me one time when i was so upset about what someone else thougth and said that what others people think of me, is their business.  for me to be confident with who i am, no matter what others say or do.

  5. There's a C-Span history!?

    What channel!?

  6. No it makes you a non-conforming, independent thinker. Why show them that your just like everyone else trying to fit in. Be your own person. I find people who don't try to do what everyone else is doing way more interesting and more fun than people who try to blend with the rest of the world.  

  7. No, you are not a nerd because you watch C-Span History, you are someone who has a true interest in history. As a fellow history enthusiast I can tell you that people who take an interest in past events tend to have far better ideas as to how to handle current events. One cannot possibly understand how and why the world works today without knowing the processes by which it was formed.

    I don't get the C-Span History channel, but based on what you described I certainly wish I did.

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