
Am I a psychic?

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It was summer when I dreamt my class in seventh grade and when I asked my classmates to what section I was, they told me the exact section that I dreamt of.




  1. u might b, or i could be a coincidence.

    i am psychic

  2. no such thing... most people dream something that comes true at some point or other.

  3. Everyone has a psychic potential in them, like me I made my already existing potential grow stronger. It's like exercise, you have to make it stronger for it to be there. No one automatically has a strong psychic ability. You have to practice to make it stronger through meditation and reading tarot cards. I mean, yes, some people may have it a little stronger than others, but that's because they've worked on it more. Good luck x

  4. If you have to ask then wouldn't that me like a contradiction to the question?!

    Coincidences happen and there are people who are much more perceptive and deep.

    IDK but I consider astrology to be informative I am not a believer in psychics....sorry?

    good luck to you though!!

  5. Heyy! I think that probably you dreamt in the morning say about 03:00am or before 05:00am. Our fore-fathers say that dreams of morning comes true! (It's an old saying). This happens with everybody so don't think that you are a psychic and stop worrying about it. It's quite a normal thing. I think that you might be having a  good sixth-sense.

  6. If you have to ask, then you are not psychic. Psychics know they are psychic, they don't have to ask strangers.

  7. I agree with the girl next door. I have had psychic predictions since I was like 12. At first they happened every once in a while but then I started excercising my abilitys and now I have many predictions. Try meditations such as yoga and don't focus too hard on making a prediction. Most of mine, just come to me!
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