
Am I a "Sexoholic"?, if there is something like that!

by  |  earlier

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Dear all

Simply, I do have a great deal of wet dreams, I get turned on at the least things. My p***s erects with and without a reason. I am married and I have a normal physical relation with my wife, nevertheless, I still do masturbation. Actually i used to do it - before marriage - like 4 times a day since 1996. This is causing me so much trouble that I started to thinks seriously about taking medication for this "case". So what do you think is my problem? and is there anything as a "soxoholic" like "alcoholic"?? Thanks a lot and best regards.




  1. hahahaha u made me laugh dear....thanks for that...

    Grow-up man do u thing most of the people who read all this will believe you....Well off-course me not...Being a male I know very well, 4 times a day MB everday is not possible...

    So just keeping this lie of yours in mind...I can easily conclude that eveything you say i s just.......hmmm??? hahahahaha

  2. naw man. grow some ***** balls and stop beatin ur meat, it time to man up. u have a wife . have s*x with her if ur that addicted.. it called will power. if u wanted and cared about her u would do any thing for here.  

  3. sexual addiction is a real problem.  however, i don't think you have it.  you are not out seeking s*x from many people and it doesn't seem that you are masturbating too excessively.  real addicts ruin their lives by hurting others to get what they want - s*x.

    you're libido is simply in a relatively high state. i would suggest speaking to your doctor about this problem.  he/she may even be able to prescribe something that will lower your sexual drive.  speaking to a therapist may also help with this problem.

    good luck.

  4. Nothing wrong with being a sexoholic.

  5. Yes ,there are sexoholics. And there are anonymous classes for it.

  6. hmm... interesting.  

  7. How can you be a s*x addict when you're a nerdy virgin?


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