
Am I a vegetarian?

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It's really weird.. I'm not mental or anything but this is what's been happening to me latley.

I get food served at home or at a restauarnt. Usually it's either beef, chicken or seafood and regardless of how it's cooked. Halfway through I get this feeling of slight disgust and it just seems unattractive to me, like wtf is this I'm eating? By the way, I only get the best gourmet meals served so don't tell me it's malcooked!

So anyways, I just leave whatever I'm eating and just strongly crave for a salad, and just consume all the salad around the table, sometimes I feel I need to over eat salads to neutralize the 'meat effect'.

What the h**l is happening to me? I really love meat and salads but why is this happening?




  1. you just dont like meat as much as salads

  2. You have probably just lost your craving for meat,

    your body needs more veggies, Try not eating meat for a week and see how you feel.

  3. well...

    maybe you should become vegetarian =D!!

    that's sort of how I first felt before I became a vegetarian ~~

    I just didn't want to eat this //!!

    its a dead body...of something..

    maybe its dsiguised with a sauce and cooked..

    by in the end ..before it was cooked..

    its a disgusting dead bloody body of a poor animal killed.

    sorry Im sounding disgusting..but its true..

    I think you may be turning pro vegetarian~~

    eating more salads wont neturalize the killed of animals..

    by not eating the meat and becoming a vegetarian seems to be the best soloution =D

    give it a try..and maybe you wont feel sick...

    dont love the meat love the animal~~!

  4. go veggie full on

  5. Maybe you just don't like meat.

  6. Try one week only Vegitables.

    It do better you stomatch.

    Then take meat and other things you want.

  7. Being veggie is a choice, it's not like you "realize it" one day, like being g*y! If you don't feel good eating it, then don't. Easy as pie.

  8. You are becoming a rabbit

  9. well your not alone in this in the last 5 months i to have been doing the same  meat just don't thrill me like vegtables and fresh fruits  now  i have even stop  drinking  soda  and started drinking more water  so far due to  my change i lost so far 20 pounds   just the smell of cooked meat make me sick now and  no clue why my body is doing this so i had to change and learn what  more i can make in fresh vegs and fruits  for lunch and dinner .

  10. i tried bieng a veggitarian and lasted a whole week, until i realized that i like slimjims. oh well. eat more veggies it does help

  11. Maybe you should try some different foods for a while then go back to that.No,you are not going crazy and you are not a vedgiterian.

  12. uh-huh...odd...just stop eating me-...flesh...

  13. Your body knows what you need. You could possibly just be needing more greens, so when you feel the disgust towards meat and the draw towards salads, it's probably just because you need a salad.

    Also, much of the meat that we eat these days are pumped full of unhealthy steroids. You might be sensitive to these and that could be where the disgust comes from.

  14. Not yet, but sounds like you're ready to try it.

  15. Maybe your stomach doesn't agree with meat, I suggest becoming vegetarian, much healthier, and cleaner!
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