
Am I a woman, a man or what?

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I am just wondering how society can say one is a man vs. a woman. Is it how you are born, or the behavior you embrace.

For a crossdresser like my self, who is born a man, but to bring up sterotypical characteristics of women, shopping gets me excited, I love wearing dresses, skirts, make up, and that s**y pair of panties just makes me feel so good. Watching a movie, and a tear can come to my eyes.

So my body might be of a man, but I like to do things that society typically says are characteristics of being a woman.

Am I a man, a woman or a no body




  1. A woman. Go get transgender surgery.

  2. You might be a what?

  3. Ahhhh...... thinking

  4. you are simply YOU


    unlike anybody else

    similar maybe but no one is exactly any one thing

    i think you are versatile

  5. You are a man with feminine intrests.  Your s*x is male but your gender may be feminine.  

  6. you are, without question, a what.

  7. Well i certainly love you ~ drag queens are my bff's and im really not trying to be rude but you are a man you have a p***s therefore male and still even with a surgery you were born male so i would say ur a kick *** dude!!!

  8. There is a difference between s*x and gender.

    s*x is the biological differences that literally make someone a man or woman (i.e a p***s). If you have reconstructive surgery on your male genitals to make you a woman you would then be a woman in s*x because your genitals (whether or not they work) would be women's genitals.

    Gender is what society assigns your roles to be. Some feminine g*y men would be sexed as men, but gendered a women (if that makes any sense) because their tendencies are towards more female-oriented things, as defined by society.

    There are a select few cases where people are either born without any s*x organs, or with both s*x organs. They would be characterized as being asexual (no s*x) or bisexual (both sexes, different from the bisexual orientation associated with being g*y). But they would still have stronger tendencies towards a specific gender. One asexual person might be more inclined toward female things, so they would be of the female gender. another asexual/bisexual person might be more inclinded towards male things (again, as defined by society) so society would characterize them as of the male gender.

    For you, by societies standards of judging people based on their interests and their "gender", you would be a female. But if you are judging based on your genitals, you would be male.

    You are what you want to be. You can be a male sometimes or a female othertimes. you can be both (bigendered), etc. BUT until you have a s*x change, you will be sexually a man.

    But your gender can change as much as you want it to. Gender is only a social construct anyways, it has nothing to do with who a person is, who a person has s*x with, etc. Ideas of gender vary by culture to culture. In some African cultures, men wear "skirts", but they are considered to be "male gendered". High heels were primarily worn only by the KING of France (Louis XIV I believe), but he considered a "man" (although nowadays, that would be something "female").

    So gender depends purely on societal standards, s*x is dependend entirely on biology and your physical makeup. your personal gender can change as often as the sun sets.

    With regards to federal documents, paperwork, id cards, etc you would be "male" because those are done based on s*x. If you did have reconstructive surgery, you would classify yourself as being "female" for government documents, etc.

  9. Well, that depends. You're identifying yourself as a crossdresser, but that's just actions and clothes, not necessarily gender. You may be female, male, or bigendered (simultanious female and male and/or transitioning from one end of the spectrum towards the other depending on the moment). Your body is male. Your tendencies may not be as female stereotyped if you lived in a different society, so I wouldn't put the female label on you just for that. It's going to depend more on how you see your gender identity, which, unfortunatly, is typically considered a very black and white issue.

  10. I like to think that we are more than just physical beings. All the things you have spoke of are about the physical. What about your spirit? Focus on your spiritual side, more and less on the physical.

    Because spiritually it does not matter man or woman...

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