
Am I able to have lunch with my daughter at school if I don't have custody??

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My husband and I have been battling over my daughter. He says I can't see her, and I am very afraid of him. He has full custody of her, and I have reasonable visitation. I know she just started school and would love to go have lunch with her! Question being, Since he has custody and I only have visitations, would I be able to go to her school and eat lunch with her?




  1. When you say he has full custody, I'm assuming you mean full physical custody.  Meaning she only lives with him.  As long as your visits aren't supposed to be supervised, you should be able to have lunch with her.  

  2. yes you can

  3. I would talk to your lawyer first. Also, try to stay away from your husband if he scares you, so I wouldn't go to see your daughter until you've talked to your lawyer. I think he has to agree with your visiting before you can actually see her... not sure. take it up with your lawyer.

    I'm sorry about your situation... and I wish you the best of luck!!!

  4. Only if your husband is agreeable to the visitation. Otherwise you have to have it approved through the court as well as the school.

  5. Yes, as long as there isn't a court order that bars you from contact outside of your visitations. Matter of fact, most schools during registration have a place for parents to fill out if anyone specifically is barred from interacting with the child and you must provide proof of the order. I still think it would be best to double check everything with your local court. You can ask the family court via the telephone and not be charged a fee.

  6. probably not...the state has custody of my nephews and if their mom was to see them she would go to jail or lose her visitation rights

    i would ask the caseworkers or someone that is involved

    why don't you have custody?

  7. talk to your lawyer i don't think you can though,.

  8. No, but she can come see you during visiting hours at Guantanamo Bay.

  9. I would call your attorney generals office who has your case on file. And ask them...they may tell you yes/no. Is this not in your court order..? If not, and if the AG won't answer your question..Your best bet is to ask your attorney. Most states even have a Free Lawyer Service. I live in Texas and twice a month on the 1st and 2nd Wednesday from 5-9 pm (cst) you can call and ask anything you want. They will help you and tell you what you can or should do ... the # is 713-759-1133

  10. You will have to have your lawyer contact the school and find out their policy.  I don't know what arrangements her father has with the school but you may not be able to have access to your daughter at school if her father hasn't allowed it.  You can't just go into the school and have lunch with your daughter, it has to be cleared through the office and if her father hasn't given his okay then you won't be able to have lunch with her.  That is the law.

  11. I believe that all depends on what the visitation rights state. I don't think it would be good for you too just up and have lunch with her. I know it has to be horrible not even being able to see your own daughter as much as you want to. But it will be even worse if you violate the visitation rights and then you might never be able to see her.

    So i hope the best for you.

    Truly i do.

  12. shouldnt u be asking ur lawyer this?

  13. My husband is in a similar situation - ex has custody and keeps the kids away as much as possible, the kids suddenly get "sick" on visitation days, etc.  He does still have legal custody, however and is active with their schooling as much as is possible.  His attorney told him he has the right to visit his kids at school.  What you need to do is check with the school about their policy; most will require that such an event is arranged and approved ahead of time.  

    Good luck - this is a tough emotional situation you are in.  I wish you the best and that your daughter has full access to all the love her parents both have to give her.  

  14. You know even the police cringe when they get into a domestic dispute. To be honest no one knows you or why you ask, no one knows if this is the truth, no one knows WHY if it is, that you don't have legal custody.. The only thing I can say is don't be sneaky, talk to your lawyer.

    And if ANY of this is remotely true, God I feel for that child I really do, they have it tough enough in life without all this.

    Talk to your attorney, or the judge if the ex is being unreasonable, talk to the ex and STOP THE d**n FIGHTING IN FRONT OR ABOUT THAT CHILD..

  15. Yes it's completely legal and recommended that you check up on how school is going.

    If you have visitation then you have partial PHYSICAL custody, and chances are 50/50 LEGAL custody. Don't feel undermined by using the term full custody. If you still get to see them you have rights.

  16. yes she came out of your body, you are still her mother, she just cant come live with you...

  17. That is something you need to take up with your lawyer.  

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