
Am I abusing my Cat?

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Well, here's my story...

My cat is so aggressive, she always bites/scratches m.. basically attacks me all the time. I don't know what to do, my body is covered with scratches.

So whenever she attacks me, I put her in the closet because i don't want to be anywhere near her where she'll hurt me.

Am I abusing my cat by putting her in the closet?

I feel bad doing it, but she has a bed in the closet too.

And also, is an aggressive cat normal?




  1. Putting the cat in the closet isnt going to do anything.  What could you possibly be trying to teach the cat?

    Wow - no wonder its aggressive.  

  2. Putting the cat in a closet seems abusive to me --- no matter what the situation.   Aggressive in the nature that you describe seems not to be the norm for a loved house cat.  I've had three cats.  One tabby (pretty feral) was friendly, loved attention but could not be completely trusted.  I was careful with her and only was scratched a few times.  When she tried to bite I withdrew.  As she aged she became more docile and trusting but I always had my guard up.  A tuxedo (big cat with two broken hips that I had repaired) could potentially scratch --- but only out of love.  Completely trust him.  The last (a tortoiseshell) has claws and teeth but only uses them gently and in fun.  I completely trust this animal --- she would never hurt me.  Wonderful cat (although the tuxedo might have a different opinion).  From my perspective, an aggressive cat is not normal.  There must be a reason why the cat evolved into that behavior.

    Do a web search on "aggressive house cats."  You should find many websites that demonstrate the reasons for aggression, e.g., early experiences, genetic diversity, etc., looks like a great example.

  3. Get a laser pointer, all cats go crazy for that.  And putting the cat in the closet is not abuse, its a kind of time out.  But maybe try putting the cat in the bathroom or a larger space then the closet.  Also when it attacks you, change your tone of voice.  Animals are like children they need direction, I would really talk to a vet, if nothing you have tried is working.

  4. you are abusing the animal. a little pat to the nose and saying no sternly is good. and agressive cats are normal

  5. When ever she tries to bite you force her chin down, and say "NO!" then, get her declawed, or clip her nails. If she attacks you when you try to clip her nails, do it while she's sleeping, or on her back.

    Also... Try rubbing the bridge of her nose. My cats calm down whenever I put do that.

  6. I wouldn't say that it is abusive, but it is neglect.  It's great that you have a bed in there for her and all, but if she doesn't have a way of getting out then that is definitely neglect.  If that is what you are going to do, keep putting her in the closet, then you need to cut a cat hole/door in the closet door so she can get out.  Or at least leave the door cracked a little.  

    An aggressive cat will only get more aggressive if they sense that you are afraid of them.  They will get more aggressive if you are mean to them also.  And, are you sure that she is attacking you just to be aggressive, or is that her way of playing?  Because if she feels that scratching and biting you is playing then you can teach her better habits of playing.

  7. Yes you just have to show him/her who is boss. Clip his/her nails so maybe it won't hurt you as badly. Buy plenty of new toys to distract your cat from attacking you.  

  8. No, this is not abusive if you are not causing her pain and supplying the basics.  She does sound unusually aggressive, maybe needs a sedative from the vet.  On the other hand she may not be well and needs professional help.

  9. how long do you put her in the closet?

    it probably isnt abuse if she is in there for more than an hour or so, or if she isnt hungry.

    maybe she is aggressive cause she feels threatend..or if she used to be a stray cat, she may not be comfortable around humans or not like you touching her or anything? some cats are just mean and weird things make them more aggressive.









  11. It is very strange that your cat attacks you for no reason.  An aggressive cat is not normal.  Cats usually only attack out of fear...being that you are her owner I doubt she is scared of you.  Are you the one who feeds her?  If not, start feeding her.  I wouldn't consider putting her in the closet abusive....but it is not a solution to the problem either.  Don't get her declawed....that is considered vet won't do that procedure...they say it isn't right to remove a part of their body that they are born can depress them also.  It would be like someone removing your fingers.  Has she been spayed?  This can calm cats down.  Maybe she is bored, you could try playing with her.....they have these great toys that look like fishing rods and they have a string with little toys on the end.  That way you could play with her without getting too close.  The last thing is do you have a flea collar or over the counter flea medication on her?  That can make cats act weird.  You should only use something good on her like Advantage or Frontline.  I don't know...I am at a loss.  Good Luck!!!

  12. instead of putting the cat in the closet try spraying her with water and saying NO as you would to a 2 year old child when you are being serious.  You can also put a few pennies in a can and shake it, this scares them and distracts them from doing whatever they are doing.  Now you have to be patient it'll take some time but it works.  Maybe your cat needs some affection and attention, try giving it new toys or buy some treats.  Good luck.  Don't put the cat in the closet that's abuse.  

  13. It's a natural instinct to bite and scratch even when they are playing. They don't know how to do it any different and it can't be taught.  How old is your cat? Does he/she have any toys, or scratchy pads to play with etc.? They need toys and scratch pads.

    Also, have you talked with your vet about this behavior? If you're not getting your cats his/her annual shots, you should.

    Putting him/her in the closet is neglect, which can be construed as abuse. But, are you hitting your cat too? I hope not. They don't know any better, and if you cannot accept their nature, then it is best to give your cat to someone who can love and tolerate it. Cats cannot be confined in a small space with a door closed. They will go hog wild when let out, and that's probably what your cat is doing. Since you are confining it often, when you let it out, it's like a whole new world to him/her. Cats like space, windows to look out of, toys to play with, scratchy pads to stretch their claws on, being loved on. The more you allow your cat to be around you and all over the house without you locking it up, the more he/she will start to settle down and be comfortable and won't be all wild etc.  

    Her bed needs to be out of the closet and close to you, in the family room, or in the bedroom with you. They need to feel a part of the family. And with putting her in the closet, she will feel unloved. Believe it or not, animals do get depressed and sad.

    So just think about it. If you find yourself not being able to tolerate cats natural behavior, then find her a new home, or take her to 'no kill cat shelter' where she can be adopted.

  14. maybe u should try getting her declawed at a vet and maybe she is aggressive because you put her in the closet

  15. if you have to ask you are and aggressive cats are normal

    no its neglect  

  16. Well, Your not ABUSING it in a case of law... But your not treating it fairly... Did you ever think that the cat is aggressive BECAUSE you put it in the closet? I'd be aggressive too if someone put me in a closet! lol But when ever your cat attacks you, just walk away... If it doesn't' attack you, pet it and praise it. It's normal for a cat to be aggressive. It's part of their background and culture.  But a cat can be nice and gentle.  What age is your cat?  If it's a kitten, It might be teething or it just wants attention.  If it's an adult, it might be mad because you put it in a closet, or it might want more attention. Try petting your cat and if it attacks you, just walk away, but If it doesn't attack you give it a treat and praise it.  That should work.

  17. Cats are predators. Even though you provide your cat with all his meals, his instinct to hunt still exists. It is normal for cats to continually practice and fine-tune their hunting skills. Therefore, it is essential that you provide an outlet for this behavior or your cat will practice on you.

    Three fifteen minute play sessions a day will give your cat enough opportunity to vent his energy. Make these sessions active and fun. Tie a toy to a length of string. Drag it in front of your cat, alternating between slow pulls and sudden jerks. Let your cat stalk and play attack his toys instead of you. Read more about rambunctious behavior.

    If your cat becomes overly excited, tone down the play session. Do not resume until he has calmed down. If he begins to bite or scratch you, immediately scream "OUCH," stop the play session, walk away and ignore him. Curtailing a play session is an extremely potent punishment. Your cat will soon learn that it is his own rough behavior that causes the abrupt end of an enjoyable play session.

    If your cat attacks you in play, entice him to attack when your are prepared with a plant sprayer. A few repetitions of an attack-squirt sequence should convince him to attack his toys instead of you.

    and stop putting her in the closet she will come out just as aggressive because you locked her in somewhere she cant get out.and cats dion't like being away from their owners,she doesnt understand why you put her in their.they only have a short memory span.

  18. Hi there,

    Try not to hold your cat as much, some cats when they have had enough cuddles they will bite or scratch, and she more than likely not bite or scratch you if you just let her roam around.


    If she comes to attack you for no apparent reason try adding tap water ( not to hot, not too cold) into a small bottle spray and spray her with it in her direction, a light squirt should do. If you do this when she attacks you she will leave you alone.


    Another way to have your cat stop attacking you is to blow air with your mouth torwards her, she might stop trying to attack you if you try that one.  .....just don't get too close she might scratch your face, be careful with this one.

    Try not to put her in the closet, cats need to roam, besides if you keep putting her in the closet she'll just end up hating you even more.

    Cats can become aggressive when they are held or touched too much or she might just be aggressively play fighting with you, or the attacks might be territory based aggression. Whatever the reason try the methods I told you about, they might help. Goodluck, hopefully the methods work for you, it usually does on my cat. :)

  19. All mammals have, and in fact demand, their own personality. Even twins diverge just enough for their own identity. We mammals all affect each other. Observe a person who is dominant in certain company, and receding in other company. The cat is clearly a "scratcher", but you are also playing into that in some way. Try putting on heavy long leather welder's gloves, and show her there are times when her claws are a joke. Don't overplay it, and a respectful balance might result. If she relapses, just put on the gloves right away and remind her what the bottom line around there is! Regards, Larry.

  20. My guess would be that she isn't attacking you for no reason - she's continuing what she learned as a kitten. She's playing.  Many owners play rough with a kitten because little teeth and claws are cuter than they are painful. But then they grown up and stalk you and pounce you and now their teeth and claws are much bigger and have more power behind them.

    I agree that you are technically not abusing the cat, but you are not affectively  teaching the cat to knock it off. A squirt bottle is what is needed here. Squirt her with water when she comes at you aggressively.

  21. ff that cat thats not cool if they are scratching and biting id chuck that thing across the room! hehe juss kiddin but that is not COOL! i know my ex husband woulda stuck him in the dryer or the microwave BUT that is why he is my ex he is TWISTED!

  22. You need to buy her cat nip & let her calm down. Also get some more treats and toys to help her get distracted from clawing you. If she does this and growls, tell her NO! and squirt her w/ water  from a squirt bottle.

  23. HAHA, im sorry but that is funny!!! I wouldnt think that it would be cruilty, do you love the cat??? If not get a new one, cause the one you got is F*CKED up!! Sorry but it is true!!!!
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