
Am I addicted? Define addicted.?

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Let me know if im addicted. I can stop anytime i want. But i have urges. I love to do it, but i can stop anytime. am i?




  1. depends on what your addicted to

  2. urges? then you obviously need it, stop then ifyour so powerful

  3. addict  = a person who cannot stop doing or using something, especially something harmful:

    a drug/heroin addict

    a gambling addict

    by the dictionary defininition, you are not an addict

  4. I would say yes - can you how long can you go with out what ever "IT" is? Does "IT" control you and your life?  

  5. If you think you can stop anytime, then you may or may not be addicted. (You could be in denial)

    If you have urges, that can sometimes lead to addiction. It's the first step to not being able to separate yourself from what you might be addicted to.

  6. have you tried to stop?

  7. compulsively or physiologically dependent on something habit-forming.

    If you say you can stop anytime you want, then why don't you?

    You don't b/c you like it too much and the more you like it, the more you do it. The more you do it the more you tell yourself you can stop anytime you want - FACT - You can't.

    If your thinking your addicted to something harmful to you right now then I suggest you seek professional help or support group of some kind.

    Best of luck.  

  8. yes, you are addicted


    no, you can't stop anytime you want.

    Seriously try stopping right now, and it'll be unbearable!

    You think you can until you try to stop!

    I said the same thing, until I tried to stop, and I used the excuse, well, it's only because I don't really want to right now. I could when I really want to.

    You're addicted! Face the facts

    Sorry about whatever you're addicted to.

  9. you are addicted to something when you require it to remain in a normal condition and are in mental, physical, or emotional distress without it

    don't do addictive things so many  people carry on drug use into their 60's its unbeleivable

  10. What is the poison?

  11. test yourself see if you really can stop

    do you feel dependant on it dependency sums up addiction

  12. Most likely you are addicted, need a lil more info. urges are also called cravings which are saying hey, i need this. that is defined as an addiction. you need to try to stop to see. what are we talking about anyways? drugs/alcohol? something else?

  13. an addict is a person whose life is controlled by _____________they are people in the grips of a continuing and progressive illness whose ends are always the same, jails-institutions & death.

  14. define what your addicted too because it sounds like you are with that little bit of info.

  15. I would say, in a general sense, an addiction is something that you habitually do.  It could be gambling, exercising, overeating or smoking.  Not all addictions have negative connotations.  I assume though that you may be referring to chemical addiction, which is something that can take hold of you in a very gradual way.  I would say, judging by the form of your question, that you are unsure of how much control you really possess. This is usually an indicator of a problem.  In my life, I always told myself I could stop smoking if I really wanted to, but I gradually realized that I was indeed addicted and needed to view myself as such.

  16. if you love to do it so much your not going to WANT to stop so technically you could stop anytime you want but you just wont ever WANT to. make sense? so yes depending on what your addicted to i would have to say you probably ARE addicted.

  17. If the use or participation in whatever the substance/activity is, and if said use or participation interferes with your life and/or your relationships, and you keep doing it, you're addicted.

  18. Is this a bad habit?  Addiction is when you can't live a normal life without doing that.

  19. You say you can stop anytime you want to.  but you do not want to.  Y es you are  addicted

  20. SAYING you can stop any time is not the same as stopping.

    If you can stop and not start again, you're not addicted.

    If you can't stop, or stop and start up again, you're addicted.

  21. Do you find yourself saying/thinking, "Just one more..."    Then, yes you are addicted.

  22. No your not addicted to masturbation, it's a natural thing. So keep doing what you're doing friend! :)

    P.S. Every addict says they can stop doing it anytime they want. It's a mental process that makes you think you can stop but usually if you're faced with it again you'll do it and wait until you think it's been a while since last time. Then do it again without feeling remorse or regret. That's how our mind works, don't let this happen to you because you can't stop it unless something or someone is stopping it for you.

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