
Am I allergic to mosquitoes?

by Guest34114  |  earlier

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I got bitten about 10 times on my legs and arms. They all swelled up to about the size of a half dollar and became black and blue. After a about two weeks, they looked a little better, but then the skin started to peel off where the swollen parts had been. While they were still swollen, it looked like I had tons of bruises all over my arms. I've been bitten many times in previous years and nothing like this has ever happened. Does this mean I have suddenly become allergic?




  1. It sounds like you very well could be.  I'd go to a doctor and get checked, and see about getting something to help with the swelling and problems.  If the skin is peeling you could end up with an infection, too.

    You're allergic to the saliva of the mosquito, which contains a bunch of nasty stuff to help keep your blood from clotting as well as to keep you from feeling it.

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