
Am I allowed a kettle at work?

by  |  earlier

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Ive been told to remove my kettle that I use to boil water, to make a cuppa, from my place of work. This is because a vending machine has been installed that issues hot, not boiling water and there is a charge to do so. Is this legal??? I thought, (but cannot find any referance online ) that it was an employers legal obligation to provide free boiling water for the purpose of making a drink.




  1. You have no 'right' to free boiling water at work. They are providing a vending machine. They have every riight to ban an untested piece of electrical equipment in the work place especially as it also could cause a scald. Don't think there is anything to stop you taking your favourite hot drink in a flask though

  2. why not take a thermol flask with boiling water in it

  3. OK, Milton.  Are you going to complain about your stapler next?  Of course they are not obligated to let you have a kettle at work, or to provide you free means of obtaining boiling water.  You do live and work in America right?

  4. its legal. no one ever died from lack of hot tea. however, people have died from electrically faulty kettles that started a fire. welcome to the pc world.  

  5. I went on a health and safety course last week - we covered this as part of the course and we were advised that having kettles in the workplace was acceptable and that certain requirements had to be met.

    However the HSE run an advisary service which you can access using the link below and they will email you an answer to this.

    Personally it sounds like your employer is trying to make money by removing the kettles and supplying a vending machine. You may find that he has to supply an alternative means of heating water if you require hot drinks.

  6. i have only known of the fact that all electrical equipment need to be PAT tested (some electrical test) other than that they are pinching at salt.

  7. About your kettle you are not allowed for health and safety reasons.

    Your employer is not obliged to provide you with boiling water. it is optional.

  8. Peace to you my friend.

    Yes, it does sound very draconian I know, and I sneak my kettle to work as well, but I hide it in my van where only I go, then I bring it out and plug it in when I'm on-site and the boss isn't around. But your manager may have an health and safety issue. Firstly, it would require PAT testing, then it could be in your company policy that such things may be banned, I don't know why, maybe through fear of scolding another employee. If I were you, I would take a flask, or hide your kettle away in a drawer or cupboard so they don't see it.

  9. No there is no law for this. Employers have to give you a break but do not have to supply any facilities for drinking or eating. Hot kettles can burn people and your employers would be sued not you, hence the vending machine.

    Don;t know which part of the world Ricky is in but its not illegal in the UK

  10. your lucky, we are not allowed to wear shoes to work and i work in a drawing pin factory

  11. In UK your employer is obliged only to provide good wholesome  water.

    He is not obliged to grant facilities for you to boil it. My last employer tried to charge for water from the machine on the grounds that he was charging for the cup. This is not legal. The fact that he has provided a machine does not remove his obligation to supply cold drinking water free of charge    

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